At Città della Scienza, a weekend dedicated to healthy eating with “what I put on the plate”

At Città della Scienza, a weekend dedicated to healthy eating with “what I put on the plate”
City of healthy nutrition sciences

NAPLES – “What do I put on my tablet” is the title of the weekend, marking “World Food Day 2022‘, City of Science devotes Naples to all its young visitors. Games, workshops and guided tours will be devoted to the importance of respecting the seasonality of foods, combining them correctly and adapting the diet to the needs of life for a healthy diet.

One in three children is overweight or obese

In fact, the WHO Europe 2022 report shows that 59% of European adults and about 1 in 3 children (29% male and 27% female) are overweight or obese. Individual choices regarding food are becoming increasingly important to create a better and more sustainable future for all, especially in years like these when epidemics, conflicts, climate change, rising prices and international tensions have implications for global food security. Thanks to the laboratory activities of students of the state secondary school “G. Buchner” in Ischia (Na), in Città della Scienza visitors will also learn how to extract DNA from certain plant foods.

Science City: Space is also in the body and the magic of the planet

Besides “what I put in the plate” about healthy eating, Science Castle won’t miss performances at the planetarium, guided visits to Corporea, the insect exhibit, and the temporary exhibition “Art in the Age of Environmental Sustainability.” Opening day on Saturday 15 October for the exhibition “Breathing – Arrhythmia in a Region”, from 9.00 to 17.00 in Galilee Space.
Appointments calendar and all information on the site

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