Arisa repented for Ventura’s “mistake”, then Vito Coppola’s tears

Arisa repented for Ventura’s “mistake”, then Vito Coppola’s tears


The singer was a guest on the Citofonare Rai 2 and experienced a moment of extreme desperation, the presenters sent out advertisements

Arisa once again apologized to Simona Ventura for ‘You’re Fake’ on The X Factor. He yelled at her with intense concentration, repeating her and seasoning her with “ca..o” and punches on the table that stuck in the date. It has become one of the most used memes ever, but it’s a moment the singer deeply regretted. He said it today during Intercom Ray 2Begin the interview with a praise Simona Ventura. She was sitting on the couch in the study facing the presenters when Arisa took the floor to apologize once more to Ventura. The latter listened to her guest with a smile, and in short, there was no malice between them or something unresolved.

like him Arisa renewed her apology And his admiration for Ventura. “I already apologized to you at the time and I was so young. I have regretted this thing here over the years”These are his words. She then went on to explain that over the years she has already realized that there is nothing wrong with Ventura, it was just a moment of strong sympathy for her competitors who pushed her to say the thing. The two explained to Paula Perego What happened Arisa added:

“I swear, now I’m 39, I’ve met many women on TV, and as I said I’m one of the most beautiful, I tell you you’re one of the truest women, who have sacrificed most of the series. I’ve never heard you speak ill of anyone, actually I have never surprised you with your disloyalty towards another woman, a colleague or someone else, so even now I apologize and tell you that I want you well”

Hugged by Arisa and Simona Ventura And both excited, then resumed the interview. So we talked about Dancing with the Stars It was inevitable to discuss the matter Vito CobolaBecause he was his teacher. Su Ballando said: “I loved it and enjoyed it. I went through a series of unprecedented emotions”. Simona asked her how important Vito was, but Arisa misunderstood her and replied: “after?”. Ventura had to make it clear that she was talking about him as a dance partner, and not about anything else. Maybe Arisa didn’t want to talk about Vito CoppolaAnd Since yesterday, I have announced that things are not going well between them. But he said of him:

“Vito was very important because he gave me a motivation that I might not have found with anyone else. We have many traits in common and, above all, he has exceptional purity and manner. He is a crazy teacher, but he really is, but with time he will be able to prove himself as a great professional even on a screen.” TV. I wish him to break everything”

Speaking of Vito, Arisa changed her tone of voice and noticed that too. It was heavily tried and seen soon after. The singer talked about her desire to have love, but it is clear that the speech affected her so much, and maybe even Vito, that she was not able to move on. While Perego was speaking, in fact, Arisa couldn’t hold back her tears. He asked them if they were alive, so he cried and asked for a glass of water. Perego asked her if she would like not to talk about love, Arisa confirmed that she did not want to talk about it and they changed the subject. Simona Ventura posted the ad.

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