Apple is suing the Israeli company Nso, which produces the “Pegasus” program capable of penetrating smartphones

Apple is suing the Israeli company Nso, which produces the “Pegasus” program capable of penetrating smartphones

Apple announced that it has lawsuit Israeli information technology group Nso that created the Pegasus software capable of infiltrating all types of smartphones, including smartphones. The lawsuit brought by the American group calls for an injunction against we forgot To prevent you from using any Apple software, service, or device. Pegasus could have been used in many attacks Against journalists and human rights workers It is politically active around the world and is used by military, intelligence and law enforcement agencies around the world.

The Israeli company has always rejected these accusations but at the beginning of last November, the US government United States of America I decided to put the company on the “black list”. A similar lawsuit was filed, again against NSU, in 2019 by WhatsApp, owned by Facebook Inc., Accordingly, Nso hacked the data of 1,400 of its users with spyware. The lawsuit is still ongoing. Apple has identified a specific attack on iPhones called Force entry.

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