– ​​International Foreign Press Agency – ​​International Foreign Press Agency

rome \ aise \ – The Sun It is an irreplaceable source of life, without which plant and animal species would not survive. They are fundamental to the earth: they help to warm it, prevent it from freezing, and light it. But this summer, we linked it above all to the problem of drought and high temperatures, which often characterize the weather in recent years. The fact remains that the mother star of the solar system is the absolute protagonist of the summer season: the new version ofscience calendarLast one before summer vacation. The magazine is edited byPress office of the National Research Council Online from today And throughout August – studying some issues related to the sun with the support of researchers from CNR.
in concentration, Francesco Cairo From the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences explains the balance between solar radiation and Earth’s atmosphere that makes our planet habitable; Alessandro Galinda from the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies demonstrates the purification capabilities of photocatalysis; Daniela Farinadirector of the Institute of Plasma Science and Technology, evaluated the design of the first fusion power plant.
Alessandro Rossi From the Institute of Applied Physics talks about the future of the sun. To take us back in time instead Andrea Macchi National Institute of Optometry, which tells the story of sundials; Alberto Guasco Institute for the History of Mediterranean Europe, which recalls the figure of Louis XIV; Sandra Fioreart historian at the press office, with an overview of the depiction of the sun in artworks; Maurizio Gentellini Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage, which deals with the topic of the coup between paganism and Christianity.
Of the negative effects that the sun can have on our skin and on plants they speak respectively Giorgio Ervasi Department of Biomedical Sciences E Francesca Raparini From the Institute of Bioeconomics.
Director of Ansa Luigi Contu at face to face. Another research deals with a new observing system with radio telescopes, while at Sense Franco Gambal, former director of the Institute of Biophysics and a Japanese connoisseur, comments on the movie “Empire of the Sun”. In the Reviews Documentary “Let There Be Light” and the volumes “The Dark Side of the Sun” (Laterza), “The Power of Trees” (Dedalo) illustrated; “Face to Face with the Flag” (publisher Luigi Pellegrini), “Nathan Nefer” (publisher Sergio Bonelli) and foreword by Maria Chiara Carusa, Cnr Head of the volume “Excuse me, but why are you here?” (Middle lands). (aise)

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