Absence of the International Football Association? Here are the reasons »

Absence of the International Football Association?  Here are the reasons »
Juventus trial order: «The absence of FIFA? Here are the reasons »

they said



Juventus trial order: «The absence of FIFA? Here are the reasons. ”The words of the journalist

He chooses to discuss figwhich is not yet final, to refrain from filing a civil action in the first preliminary hearing on the trial Juventus. This is Franco’s comment to request to Newspaper.

to request «FIGC is not obliged to do so, and the Revenue Agency has not done so because it is not yet known whether there will be an indictment and above all whether or not the trial will take place in Turin or Milan (the headquarters of the stock exchange). Juventus lawyer request. Then there is a substantial explanation that points to some precedent and relates to the issue under discussion which is not related to football regulations but accounting files related to the correctness or incorrectness of the financial statements provided. This means that the development of the final constitution is still possible ».

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