“A world with more science would be without war.”

“A world with more science would be without war.”


It was the most anticipated, it was the most acclaimed, the soul and the main mover of the Ettore Majorana Center: Professor Antonio Zecchi, 94 years old, founder of the Ettore Majorana Center, took part this morning in the celebrations of his birthday. Sixty years since the foundation’s birth.

In the afternoon at the Majorana Institute discover the bronze sculpture “Madonna della Pace” by Umberto Mastroianni. The scientist, accompanied by his two sons Fabrizio and Lorenzo, said: “My dream is the same as always, which is to spread scientific culture. A world with more science will be a world without wars. We always strive to spread peace.“.

Antonio Zuccoli, head of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and co-director of the School of Subnuclear Physics at the Majorana Center, read the “supplement” to the statement signed 40 years ago by about 100 scientists in favor of peace in the morning and declared: “Science has a role in society, and 40 years ago, Zischi, along with his scientific colleagues, issued this statement because they realized that science could have a political role. Now we are relaunching this statement, after the pandemic has highlighted the central role of science. Science, after the planetary emergencies and now the current war, it is time for scientists to have their say and help the peace process to ensure that the future of our planet and our society is a rosy one.“.

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