A stronger democracy for all: the United States of Europe

A stronger democracy for all: the United States of Europe

“Europe must cooperate more closely and have a global point of contact, especially in foreign policy, similar to the United States. Its leader must also be elected directly by the citizens, which will greatly increase popular support for the benefit of the Union. Europe is an economic power, But from a military and political point of view, we are lagging at the global level. The complex European structure, which has no real popular leadership, is the cause of this situation. We should all be proud of the European flag as Europeans. Economic and social policies should be less liberal than they are in The United States. A united Europe is like the United States, but a little more social, is the Europe in which I hope to grow old.” The proposal comes from Tom Patteeuw, a European who has taken advantage of the space made available to citizens through the . website Conference on the future of Europe To start a discussion attracted nearly a hundred subscriptions.

Indeed, the conference provides European citizens with the opportunity to reflect on Europe’s challenges and priorities, and anyone, regardless of their origin or activity, can use this tool to think about the future of the European Union they desire. “I generally agree with Tom,” Everett Kansey says. “I also believe that we must combine the role of the President of the European Commission with the role of the President of the European Council. Moreover, if the President is chosen directly by the citizens, we will strengthen our democracy.” “I think both functions have a reason for their existence, – answers Arne Stoffels – but the meaning should really be more clear: in the same way that there is a head of state and a head of government in most countries, in the prime minister of the European Union the minister will be the ‘head of state’ or ‘the president’. The head of the committee will be the “head of government” or the prime minister.

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According to Rodrigo Arevalo, who also supports a federation in Europe, this should be formed while respecting the independence of the various states of the federation, such as the United States or the Swiss cantons. “The structures of the European Union – he explains – must be chosen directly by citizens. For example, the president of the European Union must be elected through independent elections, such as those of the United States. And parliament must be bicameral.”

The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission pledged to listen to the voices of Europeans and to follow the recommendations received, each within the limits of its competence. By the spring of 2022, the conference is expected to come to conclusions and provide guidance on the future of Europe.

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