12/17/2023 – 23:18
Updated: 18.12.2023 – 08:22
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A setback for the government Xavier Spot a Andorra. DemocratsThe party, which rules with an absolute majority, lost one of its four senior consuls. In addition, it is the capital, Andorra la Vella. However, he will continue to govern in four of the seven electoral parishes. The Andorran electoral system means that the list that received the largest number of votes automatically receives an absolute majority.
It is true that municipal councils focus on local issues, but the issues often overlap, and in this case, the political and social debate moved to the national arena, where housing and urban growth became the main issues. Although recent months have seen some of the largest demonstrations in Andorra, the ruling party He still resists.
So the most important change is in the capital, where Sergey Gonzalez Enclar was elected as the new consul with a majority of 1,989 votes. competition, david Astrey, He got 1,802. Democrats, on the other hand, are sticking with Ordino. Maria del Mar Coma He won 646 votes, while his competitor, Enrique Dolsacollected 515.
In Escaldes, Rosa jelly He was re-elected as consul with Kim Dolsa as junior consul. Top of list consensus Won by 1,606 votes; Instead, the Democratic-led nomination Anna Garcia 1513 remained at the gates.
Sirni Kirat A new consul was elected Saint Julian’sinstead of Joseph Majoral. Despierta Loredia’s candidacy won with 1,357 votes against Unio Loredia who received 1,047 votes.
In La Macana, the current new consul, Eva Sansa (committed and democratic citizens), a new chief consul was elected. He achieved 1,113 supports while he was his competitor Guillem Fournet Got 782 support
Regarding the results in the parishencampLaura Maas clearly won with 1,403 votes. Marta Pujol It remained at 653.
a CaneloThe only list presented, led by Jordi Alcubi and Marc Casale, received as many as 432 votes at the end of the audit. Conversely, 218 voters chose to vote blank.
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Participation in municipal elections declined. 16,644 registered citizens voted out of 30,401 who had the right to vote, a rate of 54.75%. This represents a decrease of 1.79% compared to 2019 and a decrease of 12.16% compared to April of the year.
Election Day passed completely normally, as the minister’s official spokesman explained. Guillem Casal.
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