A new showdown between Luca Onestini and Nikita Pelizon – Big Brother VIP

A new showdown between Luca Onestini and Nikita Pelizon – Big Brother VIP

After the heated confrontation that took place during the Brazilian dinner last night, onestini And Nikita They decide to talk again to clarify their complicated situation.

Having had a lot of doubts about the true intentions of the influencer, Nikita tries to get the VIPs to understand her point of view and comments: “The critical importance I perceived gave me no sense of clarity.”.

“Everything I did and everything I said I always thought about and did because I felt like doing it.” Onestini replies who explains that – contrary to what he might think – he enjoyed spending time with her. Despite this, he tells her that he has always been loyal and that is why he still does not understand her reaction. “From an emotional standpoint, I get that you’re not what I’m looking for, but as a friend, yeah, because I’m fine with you.” Explains and adds “As a friend I am here, for everything else I am not.”.

Furthermore, in retrospecting what happened between them, the significant other admits to being bitter and disappointed: “I felt betrayed by someone I was always honest with”.

The model says that she was disappointed because, if at first she had hoped that something would happen between them, in the following days she found herself facing a completely different and complicated situation.

The influencer explains that he changed his mind only after he discovered some aspects of his personality that he did not appreciate, and to clarify once and for all, he advises her to use the moment to express her point of view with complete sincerity: “There is no point in denying what happened. Admit your mistakes.”And You can tell me anything you want, but be clear. He concludes, ready to listen to her.

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“I want to get over all of that.” Nikita exclaims, but to the insistence of the VIPs, she admits that she was disappointed above all by not understanding him. ‘I felt misunderstood’ Shouted.

The conversation continues between the two and if on the one hand Onestini continues to demand more clarity and honesty, on the other hand Nikita tries to explain her point of view on what happened.

Will the two important people be able to find a meeting point for peaceful coexistence?

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