A new color was born before the industrial audience of Assolombarda: Giorgia smoke

A new color was born before the industrial audience of Assolombarda: Giorgia smoke

In Camozzi’s ultra-technical but edgy warehouse, a new color is being born today: Giorgia smoke. In front of an industrial audience in Assolombarda, the heart of Italian industrial production, the prime minister receives polite but frosty applause (most convincing when she attacks citizenship income) but gives no answer to the audience that would have asked for much.

There is a classic external enemy summon – Semel the underdog, Semper the underdogalso evident in Palazzo Chigi – identified from time to time with those who have “this tendency to belittle our nation, a self-destructive attitude, we must break this narrative”, but also “the systemic competitor that is China”, and Europe that “Green and digital transition choices and then punish those who make that transition”.

Many enemies, few recipes. Facing an audience with concerns ranging from the fate of the Malpensa freight station to that of Pnrr – the prime minister doesn’t talk about proposals or solutions, but only explains that “pride, optimism and confidence are what we need. And will that be enough?” When in doubt, it’s best to conjure The eternal plot, to confuse debate with defeatism.

Such is the case of Pnnr, whose delays are there for all to see. Here, too, is a boring scheme: defense (“we did not negotiate it”), offense (“I’m sorry that even Pnrr has become a battleground for judges, intellectuals and parties, and I’m sorry there are those we never negotiated ‘missing the opportunity to stir up controversy’) and a final promise ‘whatever it takes’ , We will put this money on the ground.”) An out-of-time election campaign intervention, more conducive to opposition politics than to a tenant of Shigei Palace.

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