These are the most dangerous mosquitoes, according to OCU: Beware of them!

These are the most dangerous mosquitoes, according to OCU: Beware of them!

Did you know that diseases with strange names such as Zika, Nile fever, dengue or chikungunya are beginning to pose a real threat in our latitudes? This is all because of the presence of small but scary vectors: mosquitoes. With the increasing threat of mosquito-borne diseases, getting information and taking proper precautions is more important than ever. We explain What is the most dangerous mosquito? According to the alert issued by the OCU, and how you can protect yourself from their bites. Don’t let mosquitoes put your health at risk!

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🫙 Home remedies to soothe mosquito bites

These are the most dangerous mosquitoes

Certain species of mosquitoes are particularly dangerous, not only because of the speed with which they can spread these diseases, but also because of the severity of the symptoms they can cause in severe cases.

In a landscape of dangerous mosquitoes, tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) tops the list. Originally from the tropics, this small animal has become a favorite due to climate change, since rising temperatures have made it easier for them to migrate to temperate regions such as Spain. Since their first discovery in 2004 in Catalonia, tiger mosquitoes have spread rapidly throughout the region and are now known vectors of up to three viral diseases: dengue, Zika, and chikungunya.

Are regular mosquitoes less dangerous? Good, common mosquito (Culex Peppens) It does not transmit these potentially dangerous viral diseases, but it does It is the main vector of the Nile fever virus. Therefore, it is also advisable to protect yourself from the bites of other mosquitoes which, in principle, seem more harmless.

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How to protect yourself from dangerous mosquitoes

Prevention is essential to avoid bites from these disease-carrying mosquitoes. According to OCU, some effective measures include:

  • Uses clothes Long sleeves and pants light colorsWhich is less attractive to mosquitoes.
  • Avoid areas with standing water Where mosquitoes tend to breed is equally crucial.
  • at home, Install mosquito nets on windows And doors, because they provide an additional physical barrier that prevents mosquitoes from entering.
  • Also, when traveling to areas where these diseases are more common, Make sure the accommodation is well protected Using appropriate mosquito nets and considering clothing and treatment Team with permethrinan insecticide that provides an additional layer of protection without being harmful to humans when used correctly.

What repellent is most useful against the most dangerous mosquitoes

Choosing the right repellent is essential to keep these pesky insects away. Repellents containing DEET, icaridin, citridiol, or IR3535 are most recommended. For its proven effectiveness. These ingredients work by confusing mosquitoes and Prevent them from detecting people bite. If you use it on children, you should take into account that products containing DEET cannot be applied to children under 2 years of age and that products containing IR3535 should also be used with caution. Ask your pharmacist before using these strong repellents.

On the other hand, keep in mind that according to the OCU, options like repellent bracelets or ultrasound devices, although they may seem convenient, show somewhat limited effectiveness and are not recommended for complete protection. Don’t forget that it’s also important Apply the repellent after sunscreen and follow the instructions for use. Especially in children and people with sensitive skin.

These are the symptoms you should pay attention to

Symptoms of diseases transmitted by these mosquitoes can vary greatly. For Zika disease, symptoms are usually mild fever, rash, and sometimes conjunctivitis. Dengue, on the other hand, can go unnoticed or manifest as high fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, inflamed lymph nodes, and skin rashes.

Chikungunya is characterized by fever and severe joint pain, which can last for several months. As for Nile fever, many cases do not show symptoms, but when they do appear they include fever, headache, and in severe cases (less than 1% of infections) severe neurological symptoms. In any case, in the face of any suspicion, Consult your doctor.

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