Science and technology sector 46.5% of women

Science and technology sector 46.5% of women

In Italy there are 3.4 million, the figure below the European average

Women and science Represents a binomial closely related to a theme gender equality. A condition for the balance between the possibilities of women and men to establish themselves in the subject sectors Yanbu (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is still a long way off. But the numbers say something is changing. in the countryEuropean Union I am 76 million People who work in the fields of science and technology. Of these, behind 39.6 million are women: the 52.2% of the grand total. The number generally refers to the “work force” in these areas. For this, it is good to remember that in any case, the women who work in scientific reseach They are still outnumbered by men. And above all, it is very difficult for them to reach the top positions. However, the presence of women working in science and technology is growing sharply: within ten years it has increased by 26% (Comparison between 2011 and 2022).

Science and technology, 3.4 million women work in Italy

in Italy I am 3.4 million Women working in the fields of science and technology. In all workers in these two areas they are 7.3 millionkisa: so it represents a woman 46.5% of the grand total. around A value clearly lower than the European average, which places Italy in the penultimate position in the European Union for the representation of women in the fields of science and technology. A smaller share, as we shall see, is found only in Malta. The largest concentration of women in science and technology is in the major islands: between Sicily And Sardinia There are a total of 268,000 out of a total of 533,000 workers (more than 50.4% of the total). Below center (47.7%) the Northeast and the south (46.1% share for both areas) f North West (45.3%).

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Marks take precedence Lithuania

We have seen that within the borders of the European Union, women working in science and technology make up the majority (52.2%). A figure slightly higher than the total proportion of women residing in the European Union (228 million, 51%). Regardless of the average number, it’s worth noting the states that express a particularly high concentration of women working in these fields. These are mostly Eastern European countries. precedence LithuaniaWhere’s the woman 64.1% People working in science and technology. There are followers Latvia (62.7%), Estonia (59.9%), Bulgaria (58.4%), Romania (57.2%) and Hungary (57.1%). As we expected, the European country with the lowest concentration of women working in scientific and technological fields is Maltawhere they only represent 45.8% of the grand total.

STEM subjects, female graduates only 35%

We have seen that the presence of women in science and technology is more visible in Eastern European countries. However, at the generational level, it mainly affects the younger age groups. The growth of the “women’s quota”, in fact, at the EU level is more noticeable among those who have than among 25 and 34 years old. There are about 17.6 million European science and technology workers in this age group, of which more than 9.4 million are women: 53.3%slightly higher than the general figure. The presence of women dealing with scientific and technological topics is increasing. Even if, according to UNESCO, only one in three researchers is a woman and Only 35% of graduates in STEM-related fields are women. The numbers are even lower if we consider specific fields that are very relevant in recent times, such as a fieldartificial intelligencewhere only one in five professionals is a woman.

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Italian women scientists who made history

History provides many examples of women who managed to establish themselves in the Scientific knowledge. Going back in time, in the eighteenth century, we can give an example Laura Bassey. Physics is still remembered today for being one of the first women graduates in Italy, as well as one of the first university teachers in the world. Recently, there have been notable contributions to science Rita Levi-Montalcinione of 12 women to receive an award Nobel prize to Medicine (Italian only) and astrophysics Daisy hack.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Even if the numbers indicate a growth in the presence of women dealing with science and technology subjects, there is still significant growth The gender gap related to STEM topics. the United nations Considering gender equality as a central issue and looking intoRelease Women are a critical point of global economic development, as well as an opportunity for progress in all goals and objectives2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Also for these reasons, since 2015, the International Day of Women and Girls in Sciencewhich day is celebratedFebruary 11th each year. The anniversary aims to recognize the role of women in science and technology and to promote “full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls”.

The data refer to 2022

Source: Eurostat, United Nations

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