25 Energy-Efficient Tips To Lower Electricity Costs

25 Energy-Efficient Tips To Lower Electricity Costs

Saving money is something that we all want to be able to do, especially when it comes to our electricity costs. Plus, when you cut your costs down, you also decrease your footprint on the Earth. That is a big deal considering that Australia produced almost 500 million tonnes of emissions. This is down from the previous years but is still a lot of pollution going into the atmosphere. So let’s learn how to decrease our electricity costs to help our pocketbooks and the environment around us.

  1. Turn Off Lights – When you leave a room, turn the lights off. If the sun is shining through the window, turn the lights off. If you are sleeping or leaving, turn the lights off. There is no reason to have it on if it is not needed.
  2. Change Shower Habits – Turn the hot water down a little, and shorten the length of time that you are in it.
  3. Turn Water Off – When brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and washing your hands, there is no reason to leave the water running. Turn it off until you need it. It not only saves on your power bill but on your water bill as well.
  4. Fix Those Drips – A small water drip may not seem like much of an issue, but it can slowly eat the power because the pump is running, and if it is hot water, the hot water heater will need to constantly stay on to keep hot water in the tank.
  5. Unplug Electronics – If an electronic is not in use, unplug it. One of the most prominent power vampires you own is the mobile phone charger you leave plugged in all the time.
  6. Desktop Computers – If you are still using one of the old dinosaur desktops, it is time to upgrade to a laptop. Ensure you do not leave it plugged in all the time, and unplug it when you are not charging it.
  7. Turn Thermostats Down – You should turn down the thermostat when you are chilling at home. A couple of degrees make a big difference.
  8. Use The Grill – During the summer, there is no need to use the oven. Fire up the grill or eat more salads.
  9. Full Loads Of Laundry – Only do laundry when you have a full load. It will save on energy and water.
  10. Full Dryer – Do not turn the dryer on unless you have a full load.
  11. Cold Water Wash – Use cold water when you do your laundry.
  12. Hang Your Clothes Out – When the sun is out, hang your clothes on the lines outside.
  13. Compare Energy Suppliers – You can always compare energy suppliers in your area. Use a platform like the iSelect energy comparison site to find a better company to work with.
  14. Turn Down Thermostat When Gone – When you leave home, there is no point in having the air conditioner going full bore, or the heat cranked on. You will need to have them on a little to keep things without a safe temperature, but you can safely turn them down.
  15. Old Televisions – New TVs have come down in price so much that there is no point in holding on to your old television that you grew up with. They take more power than the newer models and do not have as good of a picture.
  16. Dishwasher – Do not run it until it is full.
  17. Dishwasher – Let the dishes air-dry instead of using the heat-dry setting.
  18. Microwave – Use the microwave instead of the oven. It does the same job in less time.
  19. Solar Lighting – Switch your outdoor lighting systems to solar.
  20. Energy Saving Bulbs – Use energy-saving bulbs instead of old-style ones.
  21. Filters- Change your heating and cooling filters at least once a year.
  22. Heating and Cooling Ducts – Keep the ducts clean and in good shape.
  23. Defrost Food In the Refrigerator – Instead of using the microwave to defrost, do it the old-school way by putting it into the fridge for a couple of days.
  24. Candles – Use more candles and fewer lights at night.
  25. Garage Heat – It is nice to pull into a warm garage, but turn that heat off to save some energy.
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There are many ways to save on your electricity. Many of them make minor differences, but when used together, they add up to substantial savings. It is not enough to take the initiative to make changes by yourself. You must teach all of those around you the same tricks and follow up with them to ensure they are following the rules. If nothing else, you can switch your home to a smart house, and then you can access the controls through your mobile device.

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