Writer Rosa Regas dies at 90

Writer, Editor and Translator Rosa Regas He died at the age of 90. Although he began his literary career at the age of 58, He has published twenty books, He received prestigious awards such as the Nadal Prize (1994) for the novel “Azul”, and the Planeta Prize (2001) for “The Song of Dorotea”.

It’s been years since Rigas He lived in Emporda, On a farm in Loverio where he died. He wrote mainly in Spanish, and explained that he did so because it was the language in which he had been trained in literature.

In the past, it was like this. United Nations Translator Between 1984 and 1994 and also Director of the National Library of Spain Between 2004 and 2007, he was also an editor.

I studied philosophy and worked as an editor.

Rigas was born in 1933 in Barcelona, ​​Spain. The civil war happened in France. With his brother he then returned and studied at a boarding school until he was seventeen when he got married.

This was the fate of many girls at that time, which she broke by studying philosophy at the University of Barcelona, ​​while she already had two children. He had three more while studying. At UB he met poets such as José Agustin Goytisolo, Jaime Gil de Biedma I Gabriel Ferrater.

He spent the summer in Cadaqués in the 1960s. Marcel Duchamp a Salvador Dali As neighbors, among other members of the Gauche Divine, the late Francoists had cracks they knew how to exploit.

He worked at the publishing house Seix Barral and then You will find the mark La Gaya Science. After Franco’s death, he published his first political collection, Biblioteca de Divulgación Política, most of the authors still in hiding.

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The role of subjective imagination in his work

Autofiction was present in many of Regas’s novels, such as “Azul”, for which he won the Nadal Prize; or “Luna lunera”, the Barcelona City Prize; or also in “Diario de una abuela de verano”, which ended up being a television series.

After winning the Planeta Prize, he was a member of the jury of this prize. He also received the Biblioteca Breve Prize for “Chamber Music”.

He did not join the army in any party other than the government. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero She was appointed director of the National Library in 2004, a post she left after three years amid controversy and disappointment. He was a leftist and opposed first to nationalism and later to independence.

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