Women look older and less plump, sparking controversy – Multiplayer.it

Women look older and less plump, sparking controversy – Multiplayer.it

Latest videos featured on Dead Space remake A particular aspect of this re-work was highlighted by Motive: i The female characters have been changedappearing Older and less stockyat least in two main cases.

The question that appeared above all with the video showing the first 18 minutes of the match, was instantly captured by many fans and fans of the series, who did not fail to point it out, and also started a still marginal controversy. moment but could grow in the coming days. In particular, it affects the modification made to Nicole Brennanthe partner of the protagonist Isaac Clarke and the one who, with her mysterious disappearance, pushes our hero and throws himself into the cosmic horror of the game.

Nicole is significantly altered in Dead Space Remake compared to the original version, appearing as a more elderly lady than she had previously appeared.

Nicole Brennan: Dead Space Remake above, original below
Nicole Brennan: Dead Space Remake above, original below

The new cast is said to no longer align with the character: Nicole’s age is not officially known, but many believe she is 39, given her role, her previous activism, and the fact that Isaac is also in his forties.

If that’s the case, a certain “aging” compared to the original’s youthful appearance could make sense, even if the new Nicole actually looks pretty old. In any case, this has clearly sparked the controversy over re-imagining or re-making of female archetypes done with some reluctance in modern games.

Kendra Daniels: Dead Space Remake left, original right
Kendra Daniels: Dead Space Remake left, original right

Then comes the representation of Kendra Daniels, the agent who accompanies Isaac at the start of Dead Space: this too looks completely different in the remake, and according to various users is less “feminine” and “curvy” than the original.

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Aside from aesthetic tastes and the actual inconvenience that adult enthusiasts might experience encountering a certain distortion of certain characteristics (in particular, Nicole is very different from the original), there is no shortage of theories about the fact that these adaptations have pursued some feminist “agenda,” of course. On the other hand, it must be said that Nicole’s original vision is somewhat uncertain, given the network Changing the image that he has already undergone From the first chapter to Dead Space 2.

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