With a dog bag, you can bring food home even if you don’t have a dog: this is the strange origin of this custom

With a dog bag, you can bring food home even if you don’t have a dog: this is the strange origin of this custom

You always hear about dog bags but don’t understand what they’re talking about? It has nothing to do with dogs, but it is a healthy habit!

With the explosion of software dedicated to cooking and the world of food, many terms have entered common use that were previously the legacy of professionals or enthusiasts only. Are you a fan of Masterchef? You probably know what a ketchup or béarnaise sauce is without even knowing how to poach a fried egg. And there’s a term you’ve probably heard a lot and wonder what on earth it could mean: no Doggy bag.

Enter a restaurant, sit down, eat your meal in peace, and then ask the waiter for the dog bag. If you’re wondering if your dog can eat the same things you just ate at a restaurant, you’re wrong: our animal friends have nothing to do with this healthy, environmentally and pocket-friendly habit that you should adopt too! Help yourself What are doggy bags Where does this term come from?

If you haven’t done it before, you should start using dog bags too: here’s what they are and why they’re perfect

If you go to a restaurant – whatever – and ask for a doggy bag at the end of the meal, you won’t get something for your four-legged friends, but a nice bag you can put them in Your leftovers And take them home. What you ordered – and regularly paid for – but were unable to complete, this way it will not be thrown in the trash by the restaurant staff, and will be reused at a later time. Not bad for doing good for the environment and your pockets, right?

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Dog bag: it has nothing to do with dogs, that’s the thing – Biopianeta.it

Dog bags are becoming an increasingly widespread habit, especially due to new awareness of its importance Waste reduction In a planet that increasingly needs us and our services. The reason it’s called that and might make our canine friends think is that it’s at the origins of the practice: It was born in the 1940s in New York. It is a moment of serious economic crisis for many Americans, in a country brought to its knees by war.

Here a steakhouse in town invented this method Providing assistance to those in need: A bag in which the day’s leftover food is placed, and the poor can collect it. The name of the bag will be “Doggy”. Removing the embarrassment of asking for charityUnder the pretext that the leftover food was intended for the dog.

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