When “Lamerica” ​​Nina stayed behind as an immigrant now he finds these US descendants from Bizarro again

When “Lamerica” ​​Nina stayed behind as an immigrant now he finds these US descendants from Bizarro again

Searching for roots is often a common wish of those who are heirs of an ancient immigration. Like two fellow Americans from Massachusetts, Julie and Bobby Rico, who have been coming to our city for a few years. The reason stems from the fact that these brothers came to seek their origins in Pesaro since in 1921 their grandmother, Anna Cameloni, went abroad to marry and then live in America. Mayor Matteo Ricci offered a “city bosom” to Julie and Bobby Rico, two native Americans with ancestry from Pizarro. But in fact, the story was born even earlier, that is, in the years before the outbreak of World War I, when Ercole Cameloni, a young shoemaker from Pesaro, decided to try his luck by landing in America with the destination of Concord, a small town of few. kilometers from Boston. The idea is to find a job and then be joined by his wife and six children who have taken up residence in Sarah Levy Nathan Road. The only way to keep the links is to send each other messages and photos. One of Ercole Cameleone’s daughters was noticed by Philip Charles Rico, an Italian-American and asked to marry her, offering to pay for a steamship trip for her. And so Anna Camiloni, known as Nina but everyone in America calls her Nana, leaves when she’s not even twenty in exchange for the Promised Land. The two young men hardly understand each other (they speak different dialects). He understands, and offers to give her some time to get to know each other, promising to respect and protect her and pay for the ride back anyway if she doesn’t truly love him.

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The two young men soon realize that they share the same family values ​​and ideals and this breaks Nina’s heart. Meanwhile, Ercole is forced to return to Italy by his father without having made a fortune, and is expelled for political reasons. In fact, Charles and Ana Rico are going to live a life together. In Pesaro only Pietro remains, the younger brother who works as a baker, occasionally receiving help from Nina in the form of parcels of clothes also for his parents Ercole and Elisa who are with him at home. There is always a desire in Italy.

So in 1950 they returned to Pesaro where the economic boom had already begun. Nina is surprised that Pesaro is no longer the city where people died of starvation. And Nina and her husband are almost left there to live, but it is impossible to leave the grandchildren and return to America. However, Nina’s descendants want to find their roots and above all hope to meet their Italian cousins. Michelle Burns, the great-granddaughter of Nina America, managed to contact Pizarro’s relatives in the Luciana Cameloni family, and is now happily married to Jardino DeGrandis, mother of Laura and Silvia and grandmother of five. Here is the link that closes the circle of the still incredible story with the name of grandmother Nina.

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