“When I was close to him I heard a metallic crackle” – Corriere.it

“When I was close to him I heard a metallic crackle” – Corriere.it
From Entertainment Edit

Showgirl rival to Gf ​​Vip during the live show with Alfonso Signorini reconnects with the great actor and director who died in 1994

Gf Vip competitor, Natalie Caldonazzo Monday evening during the live broadcast on Canale 5, she immersed herself in the memories and confessions about her love for her Massimo Troisi. The 52-year-old was a partner of the great actor and director for the last two years of his life and health problems also took hold of him, who died prematurely in 1994 due to severe heart problems. “When I was close to him I heard the metal tick. I asked him the first time: “But what is this?” “It’s my heart,” Caldonazzo said to Alfonso Signorini.

He said again that while the two were on vacation in Costa Rica, they were forced to travel to the United States, where Troisi underwent heart surgery: “Under the knife he had another heart attack but I never told him. Doctors told me he needed an immediate transplant: I was 25, I’d go back to my room and stick my nails into my flesh so I wouldn’t cry ». Troisi returned to Italy “Postman” And a few weeks after filming ended, he died: “He stubbornly wanted to do it, But this movie, somehow, killed himCaldonazzo says. Although many years have passed, Natalie said she remembers everything about their meeting and their love: “I miss Massimo. The world lacks a special person like him.”

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