Wheat, 8 ships unloading foreign wheat in Puglia ports. “SOS Made in Italy”

Wheat, 8 ships unloading foreign wheat in Puglia ports.  “SOS Made in Italy”

Fujiya – There are 8 ships from different EU and non-EU countries unloading grain in Puglia ports from Bari to Barletta, just as the lesson is about to end in Puglia.

Coldiretti Puglia denounced this, as farmers spent up to 300 euros per hectare to produce wheat, Compared to pre-conflict periods in Ukraine, while the demand for wheat made 100% in Italy is in contrast to years of inattention and unfair competition from imports from abroad, especially from regions of the planet that do not respect the same rules of food safety and the environment in force in Italy. .

Coldiretti wheat harvest, pH. Coldiretti Veneto

The unacceptable reduction in fees has led to a 40% drop in prices compared to last year.

It is unacceptable – says Coldiretti – that in the face of the 12% increase in the price of consumer pasta discovered by Istat in June, Instead, the national durum wheat necessary to produce it charges as little as 33 cents per kilogram to farmers who, to buy just one coffee, have to sell up to 4 kilograms of wheat. The revenues – says the regional Coldretti – do not in fact cover the costs incurred by the agricultural companies and endanger the sowing but also the food sovereignty of the country with the risk of giving away a large part of the territory.

Source: innuovivespers (archive photo, not linked to text)
Source: innuovivespers (archive photo, not linked to text)

Speculative maneuvering under charge with a marked increase in imports of durum wheat from Canada, which jumped +1018%, rising from 38.3 million kilograms in the first three months of last year to 428.1 million in the same period in 2023, according to Coldiretti analysis on data Istat.

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Farmers are willing to get a fair wage for their work Increasing durum wheat production where the use of glyphosate is prohibited at the pre-harvest stage, unlike what is happening in Canada and other countries. The paths of abandonment and impoverishment of the activity of grain cultivation are unbearable and harmful to the economic fabric of the region, which should instead specialize, focus on aggregation, supported by adequate services and oriented towards ever higher quality, betting exclusively on the value of the varieties now recognized throughout the world.

Photo: Agricultural Laboratory

It is necessary to adjust durum wheat prices immediately – stresses Coldiretti – to support production in difficult times for the economy and employment. The best selected varieties of durum wheat, from Emilio Lepido to Furio Camillo, from Marco Aurelio to Massimo Meridio and even Panoramix and Maiorca wheat, are grown by farmers in the Puglia region which produces more than a quarter of Italian durum wheat.

sown areas – adds Coldiretti Puglia – can multiply as early as next season, With wheat production that must focus on aggregation, be supported by appropriate services and tend to ever higher quality, betting exclusively on valuable varieties, now recognized all over the world.

Grain ships (photo from inuovivespri.it)

It is necessary to immediately act on supply chain agreements between agricultural and industrial companies, and to intensify checks along the supply chain, With precise qualitative and quantitative targets, fair prices that never fall below production costs as required by the new law to combat unfair practices, but also work to combat the invasion of wildlife that forces abandonment in many inland regions of the Earth and support public research with technological innovation. To support production and protect biodiversity and as a response to climate change.

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But it must also ensure that product imports from third countries comply with the same social standards, Healthy and environmental aspects of Italian and European production, Coldiretti emphasizes in stressing that it is also necessary to reduce dependence on foreign countries and immediately work for supply chain agreements between agricultural and industrial companies with precise qualitative and quantitative objectives and fair prices that – Coldiretti points out – never fall below production costs As required by the new law against unfair practices.

We need to immediately reactivate the Unified National Committee for Durum Wheat – specifies Coldiretti – which was suspended on a trial basis in October 2022, because it provides transparency to the market and offers the possibility of positioning all players in the supply chain by eliminating distortions and fragmentation on local commodity exchanges.

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