WhatsApp, beware of chats: they can spy on you, how to notice them

WhatsApp, beware of chats: they can spy on you, how to notice them

Even with WhatsApp, you should pay close attention to privacy: some attackers can spy on conversations on the green app.

WhatsApp privacy
WhatsApp conversations can be spied on (Pianetacellore.it)

For a few years now, even the most critical people have had new things in the technological field They have learned to use WhatsApp. This change is mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led people to use the green app more frequently than ever to stay in touch with others, especially friends and family members. However, even when using this important tool, you should be very careful: Risks are always around the corner (There are quite a few).

WhatsApp chat, you better be careful: they can spy on you

WhatsApp, as mentioned earlier, is one of the applications that we tend to use a lot during the day. Meta's messaging platform is very useful for work-related matters, letting you instantly exchange messages and voice notes with colleagues, but obviously it's also ideal for conversations with friends and family, often even in group chats.

Spying on WhatsApp chat, how to notice it
How to notice if someone is spying on you on WhatsApp: unmistakable signs (Pianetacellore.it)

In addition to classic messages and audios, the use of video calls has also increased recently, including group calls: another tool that contributes to the significantly increased popularity of the green app. Additionally, WhatsApp is the preferred way to send photos, videos, and other file typesSuch as personal documents or work documents.

Precisely because we use WhatsApp to carry out all these activities, it is a good idea to pay close attention to them Potential privacy risks. In fact, it's not uncommon for our conversations on the world's most popular messaging platform to be spied on by malicious people, who can't wait to get their hands on our sensitive data.

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But how can we understand if this is really the case? What are the signs that should lead us to suspect that someone is actually spying on our conversations on the well-known application?

Signs that should make us skeptical: Beware of the battery

The first alarm should go off if you realize this Your phone battery has started to work very poorly. If the smartphone is already a few years old, low battery performance is normal, but if the device was purchased recently, it is also possible that someone is spying on your WhatsApp chats.

Another aspect that you should be very careful about is the contact list. Every now and then you have to scroll through it To check if there is any number that you don't really know Which were never added: in this case they should be blocked and removed immediately.

In the end, it always gets better Change your passwords frequently Of social accounts and also one to unlock the phone. You can never have too much security.

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