Weather, no more bad weather? Sottocorona: “Don’t count on it”, date to be determined

Weather, no more bad weather?  Sottocorona: “Don’t count on it”, date to be determined

The cold has arrived and we have to deal with a sharp drop in temperatures, but what weather awaits us? Like every morning, Paolo Sotocorona broadcasts the weather report live on TV. Studying Omnibus, La7’s program for politics and current affairs, the expert shed light on the weather conditions on our peninsula. “Will it be cold?” the container attendant asked directly. He replied: “It is very cold, I would say no because these clouds that we saw arriving and causing the rain came from the Atlantic Ocean and brought moist but temperate air. In the north it was colder, and there was also some snowfall but in small amounts.”

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Already as of today, you will be able to notice that the most intense phase “seems to have passed”. In particular, “the most severe part of the disturbance appears to have occurred in the south.” An “improvement in the north” is expected. However, in the centre, at least for part of the day, there will be “heavy rain” especially in the south on the Tyrrhenian side. But tomorrow “this bad weather will subside.” He added that this means that we will only find “some remaining moderate rain in the south and a large area in the north and centre.”

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The situation will be stable on Thursday. But Paolo Sotocorona warned: “Do not count on Friday because something will definitely respond in kind.” Regarding minimum temperatures, they are “very low in the north, even below zero,” while “they witnessed a sharp rise in the center and south,” the expert concluded.

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