Walking on water is possible, here’s how

Walking on water is possible, here’s how

Walking on water is possible, here’s howone of the miracles Even more exciting and incredible ascribed to Jesus is surely that he was able (at least according to what has been delivered) Walk Literally on the water. It’s an unimaginably ridiculous phenomenon, but that’s what we all do We can easily repeat it Thanks to the current knowledge.

Everything revolves around the so-called non-Newtonian fluidswhich elements are present at the same time solid and liquidAll of this will give you a perfect result Differentregarding the exerted force on the same thing. Realizing them is much simpler than expected, in fact it will be enough to add water to theCorn Starch (Usually caller corn flour) or the potato starchand that’s it.

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Science: Here are the non-Newtonian fluids

The effect is really amazing, as in this new effect consist You can have two different interactions: with one practice strong pressure will act like a Solidthus you can actually walk on it, while if you enter it nicelythe result will be equal to liquidSo you will be able to immersion Without much difficulty.

More technically, liquid In question as specified shapelessIt does not come with a file stable viscositybut is variable, which differs only with respect to cut off voltage applied to himself. Non-Newtonian fluids themselves can be divided into expansionwith increasing viscosity with respect to the strain rate (our example case), e False plasticwhere viscosity decrease With an increase in the rate of deformation.

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