Video thanking the community, including the notorious –

Video thanking the community, including the notorious –

CD Projekt Red has released a file Video about Thank the communityAfter patch release 1.5 of Cyberpunk 2077 movie. It’s unfortunate that some notorious people ended up in the video, like the two shadowed ones that can be seen at 0:27.

However, the movie is also interesting for another reason: it provides some Prepare Cyberpunk 2077. For example, remember that Twitter and YouTube accounts have more than 1 million followers, and the gameplay video at E3 2018 was viewed more than 22 million times (the video with the features then cut from the game), that’s the most posted the most Of the 70 official videos that have collected more than 487 million views for 55.1 million hours. In short, it was a long trip and there was no shortage of surprises, even negative ones.

Let’s read the message accompanying the video:

With Patch 1.5 and Next-Gen now available, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.

Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long and winding road so far, and the fact that you’ve stayed with us, and continued to share content and stories, warms our hearts. We’d love to be able to show our gratitude to each of you in person, but we hope this video is enough to make you understand how we feel 🙂

From all RED to you: Thank you very much!

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