Video Game Industry, 2023 was a terrible year for Ramy Ismail

Video Game Industry, 2023 was a terrible year for Ramy Ismail

the 2023 He was A terrible year toVideo game industry. This is what independent developer Rami Ismail, a well-known and followed figure in the independent scene and outside it, said, who believes that the total layoffs and closures that occurred within the industry make the balance negative.

Ismail: “I’m sorry, but no fancy video game is going to make this a good year for video games. This is a terrible year for video games: the dire effects that money, shareholders, and CEOs have had on the industry this year have taken their toll. We’ve lost a lot of great people, entire professions, and futures.” Best for upcoming video games.”

As you can read, Ishmael does not refer to Video game quality Released this year, but for the overall situation of the industry, which will also have repercussions in the future. And to those who pointed out that it had been a great year for gamers, with the usual selfishness of those looking at their fingers and not the moon, Ismail explained: “It’s time to educate yourself well, because your good games will become increasingly rare if you don’t help counter the bullshit that happens to those who make them.” “

Uncertain future

Mimimi was one of 2023's victims
Mimimi was one of 2023’s victims

In fact, it has been a terrible year for the video game industry, with layoffs pouring in everywhere, like the one announced by Epic Games, with entire teams being let go like Mimimi or Volition, and with games being canceled even if they were at home like Hyenas. No one doubts that many excellent games have been released, but the atmosphere is particularly heavy and the future is uncertain. We will see what happens.

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