VidaCaixa creates a panel of experts for senior citizens

VidaCaixa creates a panel of experts for senior citizens

The upper market sector, known as the silver economy, is growing increasingly larger as the population ages. Recognizing this, VidaCaixa, CaixaBank’s insurance company, has formed a panel of independent experts to advise and anticipate needs and opportunities to improve the quality of life of the elderly population. The company, which increased its first-quarter earnings by 8%, to $298 million, commissioned this group to analyze new developments and trends related to active aging, treatments, neurodegenerative diseases and other potential improvements applicable to the products and services the company offers. Offers.

The committee will be formed by Javier Yanguas, an expert in psychology in vulnerable groups and the elderly; Pedro Cano, Director of Strategy, Planning and Organization of the Parc Taulí de Sabadell Health Foundation Consortium; Pilar Canapate, Head of the Social Care Area at the ACE Alzheimer’s Center Barcelona, ​​and Jesús Rodrigo, CEO of the Spanish Alzheimer’s Federation (CEAFA) and President of the Ibero-American Alzheimer’s Federation (AIB).

Life annuities

The company, which announced its quarterly results, attributes this development to “the good performance of all investment portfolios, especially savings businesses, and to the sustainable growth of assets under management.” The volume of premiums and subscriptions reached 3820.9 million, an increase of 1.7%. Life annuities and guaranteed savings insurance were the most prominent products in terms of marketing, with premiums reaching €2,336 million. The number of customers grew by 4.3% year-on-year, reaching 6.6 million. As of March, VidaCaixa had paid $1,461 million in interest to more than 700,000 customers.

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