viale della Scienza, the asphalt work was completed in half the time

viale della Scienza, the asphalt work was completed in half the time

The asphalt work on Viale della Scienza was completed in five nights instead of ten.

Counselor Mattia Irardi

“We completed a very important survival intervention for the industrial zone in half the time compared to what was expected – assures infrastructure consultant Mattia Irardi – carrying out a complete rehabilitation of the road surface. This is the first step towards a complete redevelopment of Viale della Scienza which will soon be affected by other works thanks to Pnrr’s urban renewal funds. The goal is to create a true “green axis” with circular paths, sidewalks and tree plantings.”

The intervention, with a total value of 305 thousand euros, includes a distance of about 550 meters from the southern semi-road towards Vicenza, starting from the border with Altavilla Vicenina until the intersection with Via del Commercio.

The works were carried out from 9 pm to 6 am so as not to affect one of the main city roads, it also included foundation layers with some reclamation in the most degraded points and saw the placement of a special membrane to increase the bearing capacity and productivity of the new floors.

Thanks to the funding granted to Vicenza Municipality As part of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (Pnrr) for 30 urban renewal projects, with a total value of €19,750,000, interventions will be implemented in Viale della Scienza to improve the ecological fabric and relieve heat areas.

With a loan of 950,000 euros, it is envisaged to convert the entire road into a green lane, with the construction of bike paths, sidewalks, trees and new natural technologies for rainwater harvesting.

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The project is added to the project on the viale della Tecnica, which has already been funded in the amount of 542,000 euros by the Ministry of the Environment, as part of a comprehensive intervention related to the Vicenza industrial zone.


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