USA, the White House publishes 13,000 “secret” pages about the Kennedy case. There is also Italy

USA, the White House publishes 13,000 “secret” pages about the Kennedy case.  There is also Italy

New York – There is also Italy, in 13,173 classified documents so far related to the killing of the president John Kennedy to me dallasIt was published last night by the US National Archives. They range from alleged links with our country Clay Shaw, the only suspect ever tried and acquitted of the murder, out of concern that our country was being used to send weapons to Cuba. These are not revelations that help understand how the plot against the head of the White House was orchestrated, so far most newspapers have been made, but they do explain the true global scope of that tragedy.

In 1992, Congress approved it JFK Assassination Records Collection Actwhich in the name of transparency ordered the release of all still classified documents on the murder KennedyTo clarify and perhaps put an end to conspiracy theories. The cards were supposed to be distributed by October 2017, but before that trump Then Biden postponed it for security reasons. The review is now complete and 13,173 documents have been released, or about 70% of these documents remain classified. With this latest work, 97% of the nearly five million pages written about the November 22, 1963 assassination attempt have been made available to the public. The rest has either been lost or is still shrouded in secrecy, so the most die-hard skeptics will be suspicious anyway. But most of the scientists analyzing the papers said they do not expect news capable of rewriting history, because the truth has already been revealed. Lee Harvey Oswald He was acting alone.

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Some news may come from his mysterious six-day trip to Mexico Citywhere a few weeks before the bombing he saw Cuban and Soviet spies he intercepted Central Intelligence Agency And the FBI. However, two KGB agents admitted that they had recruited an ex-marine, but never gave him any assignment, let alone kill the president, because he was too unstable and unreliable. Then there are the more than 50,000 pages about his character and history, which intelligence agencies probably knew more about than they admitted. Finally, something can be found out about George Junides, the CIA agent involved in the investigation of the dallasAs in espionage operations to overthrow Fidel Castro.

Italy is mentioned on at least six occasions. Perhaps the most curious thing is that Clay Shaw, New Orleans businessman accused by prosecutor Jim Garrison of conspiring with the CIA and operatives David Ferrie and J. Bannister to organize the plot, then acquitted in 1969. On March 5, 1967, Il Messaggero and Corriere della Sera published articles discussing Shaw’s story. Dealings with the World Trade Center, suspected of being a CIA cover-up operation in our country, such as Permidex, to transfer money used in espionage operations. The undercover agents investigated, but found no confirmation, a telegram dated March 8 reported.

Another interesting document revealing the existence of “una a small Cuban colony in Italy, He actively participated in revolutionary military activities aimed at Fidel. ” The suspicion is that Jose Antonio bought weapons and planes in England, France and Italy. Even here no confirmations were found, but the author of the telegram undertakes to continue investigations.
Another document, dating back to the 1950s, describes the attempt he made Communist Party of the Free Region of Trieste for using l’Unità to release embarrassing photos of the then US ambassador to Italy, Claire Luce. They were nude photos, but it may have been a fake dancer. Instead, the cable describes the role of Annie de Quendus, who is defined as “a lover of both Che Guevara No, Fidel.” Then there is a document responding to a request to find possible traces of Oswald in Italy, and one that lists Cuban diplomats working at Rome’s embassies in the Italian country and Vatican. It was already known that Giulio Andreotti, the defense minister at the time of the attack, had asked the American services for information about the gun used to kill Kennedy, because he suspected it was Manlicher Carcano who had arrived from Italy.

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