USA, Spain and the UAE: Map of Italian Export Opportunities according to Sayes

USA, Spain and the UAE: Map of Italian Export Opportunities according to Sayes

Sass Recently it created its “map” of exports and risks which ranks all countries in the world in terms of openness to Italian companies. The Export Credit Insurance Company recently returned from the control of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to the Ministry of Economy and Finance led by a new CEO Alessandra Ritchie I worked on this issue with the team led by the Chief Economist Alexander Truzuli.

The state-owned company based in Piazza Poli, under the Quirinale, is the silent protagonist of support for the state system for exports. It does so with guarantees and market studies. Unifying trends on the one hand and surprises on the other are clearly visible. On a scale of zero to one hundred points, calculated in terms of increased export opportunities, the The United Arab Emirates The new “Eldorado” of green finance and transition, third with 80 points United State sec with 85 f Spain upset first with 86.

Sace indices combine market risks, credit threats, competitiveness of Italian companies and development prospects. with 76 points, Vietnam. A country where Italian exports grew by 12% in 2021 and could rise between 4 and 8% again this year. Countries like are also in very good shape Germany and France, Just below the platform and the 80-point threshold only due to the increase in credit risk due to the inflation crisis.

And for Sace, it would be impossible not to look carefully at the dynamics of a system opened up and challenged by the energy crisis Russian-Ukrainian war near her freshman year. Sayes recalls that “Affected by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we see that the former – mainly as a result of international sanctions – has reached its maximum risk. He was really a sais, after all, to invoke in April the danger that Russia will continue as a result of the sanctions to nationalize Italian assets in the country or stop paying foreign debts. However, inflation followed.Exacerbation of credit risks for importing economies, often with structural weaknesses and fragile operating contexts (eg Tunisia, Bangladesh, Kenya) and positive impact on exporting countries (eg Gulf countries, Malaysia and Brazil). At the same time, those geographic regions with a single economic-financial situation and sufficient resources to manage any deterioration in the global scenario remain stable (including India, Vietnam, Mexico and several developed countries)“.

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In nominal terms, Italian exports will reach 650 billion euros in 2023: Sayes asserts that Italian companies are able to compete even in the phase of the greatest crisis of globalization and this can push the Qatari system towards recovery in the future. This is despite the generalized crisis context. Of the 194 countries analyzed, 35 are improving, 71 are stable, and 88 have worsened in terms of credit and export risks. But the country’s competitiveness is unaffected in sectors such as power transmission technologies, precision mechanics, robotics, industrial machinery and auto components that are the driving force for Italian exports. The backbone of development and ensuring prosperity. Also in connection with the global crisis, as companies that need the country’s support have been able to act.

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