US oil and gas group Halliburton continued exporting to Russia after announcing the cessation of operations

US oil and gas group Halliburton continued exporting to Russia after announcing the cessation of operations

US oil and gas group Halliburton continued exporting to Russia after announcing the cessation of operations

behind $7.1 million to Equipment exported to Russia After announcing the end of its operations in the country. Big scandal for American giant Halliburtona major supplier of oil and gas exploration products and services, was previously headed by the former US Vice President Dick Cheney. Scandal emerged from reading Russian customs recordsWatch it guardianFor which Halliburton is now being asked to provide explanations.

Reconstructing the story starts fromSeptember 8, 2022when the multinational company announced Selling its office in Russia To the local administration. The order came directly from White HouseWhich at that time was pushing all American companies to stop their activities in Russia, after the start of the warInvasion of Ukraine. However, Russian customs records reveal Halliburton’s continued activities: only in Six weeks later Following the alleged sale, companies affiliated with the American giant exported equipment from its former company in Russia $5.7 million. The equipment was shipped mainly from the US and Singapore, but records show the goods came from a mix of countries, including the UK, France and Belgium.

Most exports will end after that 6 October. And after October 24 The last shipment has left, from a company listed as Halliburton MFG: an appliance worth approx 3 thousand dollarssent from Malaysia to a company called Sakhalin Energy. This is the consortium implementing the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas extraction project in eastern Russia. Among its investors Gazpromwhile coincidence It withdrew after the start of the so-called “special military operation.”

One dimension The break lasted just over a month Then imports of Halliburton equipment into Russia began again, through two companies unrelated to the American multinational company. The latest products, coming from Turkey, have brought the total value of Halliburton’s exports to Russia since closing its operations to at least $7.1 million. who are they, 98% It was supplied to the former Halliburton company known as por serviceIts clients include Gazprom, Rosneft, TNKBP and Lukoil. According to customs records, exports then continued at least until the end of the year June 2023.

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Then, at the beginning August Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob MenendezHe wrote to Halliburton and its competitors SLB And Baker Hughes. Menendez said this in letters he sent to the CEOs of the three companies “Very upset” From a report by News agency Which supported the continuation of sales throughout 2022. Therefore, the accusation directed at management is that they want to try this “Making profit” instead of solidarity with Ukraine.

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