Un Posto al Sole July 11, 2022 Previews: Susanna is ready!

Un Posto al Sole July 11, 2022 Previews: Susanna is ready!

Expectations for the episode Un Posto al Sole that aired July 11, 2022 on Rai 3 reveal that Giordano Sr. should speak clearly with Nicotera, whatever the cost. Meanwhile, Picardie Jr. is preparing for her new adventure. Martinelli, on the other hand, continues to lie…

In the’episode From place in the sun From Monday 11 July 2022It’s time to come face to face with each other Eugene And the Raphael. while, Susanna Getting ready to start his training period in complete calm: Nico trust her. larraInstead, he does not give up: he will continue to impress people Roberto I’m still pregnant! But let’s find out together what they reveal in detail progress subordinate bet who will broadcast the day after tomorrow in 20:45 on me Rai 3.

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Raffaele unpacks the bag with Eugenio, awaiting July 11 episode

The return of “Eugenio” From his business trip to Milan. Now that his son-in-law has returned to Naples, Rafael no longer has an escape: He must be confrontedAnd the Reveal the full truth about the threats he is exposed to that has been passing for some time from Camorra. The goalkeeper, in fact, Viola must be freed from the duty to keep this terrible secretalso and above all by silence with Nicotera. But comparing the two won’t be easy at all…

Un Posto al Sole Predictions: Susanna begins her training!

Susanna was afraid that her love story with Nico would fall apart again. there Adele’s daughter Find out that by attending training, She will definitely find herself frequenting the judge. I saw Spent with EugenioThe Picardie Carpentry She was afraid that her fiancĂ© would not take her well; In fact, he was wrong: Boji knows he can trust herBecause their love is now stronger than ever. SusannaThen he gets ready to start this new adventure, without worrying…

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Lara continues to lie to Roberto, in previews for the July 11 episode

Can’t stop Lara. Still his goal is to build a life together RobertoAnd nothing and no one can stop her from carrying out all her diabolical plans for success. And therefore, The blonde has not yet revealed to her boyfriend that she has lost her childAnd the He has no intention of doing that in the future either. The ironsSooner or later, will he still be aware of this sad truth?

place in the sunthe long-lived Naples series, broadcasts from Monday to Friday in 20:45 on me Rai 3.

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