Ukraine War, USA: Furious Internal Struggles in the Kremlin. Bakhmut asserts Kiev: “We will continue to defend it.”

Ukraine War, USA: Furious Internal Struggles in the Kremlin.  Bakhmut asserts Kiev: “We will continue to defend it.”

Bakhmut civilian corpses in the streets

Ukrainian fighters claim that Civilian corpses lay in the streets of BakhmutUnable to retrieve them due to the intensity of the battle going on in the city. Speaking to Sky News, Khalid Machiacho, who is part of a Chechen battalion backing Ukraine, described a scene of utter destruction, constant artillery fire and “chaotic bombing”. According to Macciacho, the remaining civilians took refuge in the basements. He added, “There are still people in the city, some of whom are elderly, and there are also civilian bodies. We are trying to retrieve the bodies, but there is no way to reach them.”

Massacre of Russian soldiers

Nearly 1,100 Russian soldiers have been killed by Ukrainian forces in the past 24 hours, according to the Defense Ministry in Kyiv, confirming that the death toll on both sides has risen in recent days as the battle for the town of Bakhmut rages on. The ministry stated in a tweet on Twitter that 1,090 Russian soldiers were killed during the past 24 hours, which raises the number of Moscow soldiers who have died since February 24, 2022, to 159,090 soldiers.

Kiev: 48 attacks on civilians from Moscow during the past 24 hours

In the past 24 hours alone, Russia has carried out 48 attacks against civilians in the Donetsk region, according to Ukraine’s National Police. Ukrinform reports that. According to the Kiev Independent newspaper, police said 15 towns were attacked, including Bakhmut, Kostjantinivka and Avdiivka. From Moscow they will use S-300 missiles, aircraft, Grad and Uragan multiple rocket launchers, artillery, mortars and tanks. Donetsk region governor Pavlo Kirilenko said in his daily briefing that two civilians were killed and four wounded in the past day.

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Zakharova: The statements attributed to me are false

Spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria ZakharovShe rejected the statements attributed to her by the US Institute for the Study of War (ISW), according to which she spoke of Russian “clashes between elites” during a seminar, describing them as “false”.

ISW: Zakarova admits there is infighting in the Kremlin elite

In fact, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Marai Zakharova, confirmed that there is an internal conflict in the Kremlin circles, that the Kremlin has relinquished control over the Russian media space, and that Russian President Vladimir Putin has apparently failed to resolve all this. This is what we read in the Daily Bulletin of the US Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Russian massacre: According to Ukraine, Moscow has lost 159,090 so far

Yesterday alone 1,090 Russian soldiers were killed, bringing the total number of those killed since the beginning of the invasion to 159,090. This came in the daily bulletin of the General Staff in Kiev, adding that yesterday 8 tanks, 7 armored vehicles and 4 artillery systems of the Russian army were destroyed.

Kelibeh: “We will continue to defend Bakhmut”

If we withdraw from Bakhmut, what will change? Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Russia would take Bakhmut and then continue its offensive against Chasev Yar, so every city behind Bakhmut could suffer the same fate. . The Guardian reported that. When asked “How long can the Ukrainian forces hold out?” Kuliba likened city defense to defending a house against an intruder trying to kill its residents and take everything they owned.

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Kiev: 2 civilians killed and 4 wounded in Donetsk

Russian forces killed two civilians and injured four others in the Donetsk region yesterday, according to the local military administration. «On March 11, the Russians killed two residents of the Donetsk region: in Kostyantinivka and Tuninki. Four more people were wounded in the region,” Pavlo Kirilenko, head of the Donetsk regional military administration, wrote in Telegram, Ukrinform reports. According to Kirilenko, it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovaka.

Kuleba: “Lack of ammunition is the number one problem.”

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said in a statement that the West and especially Germany should start training Ukrainian pilots to fly modern combat aircraft, even if the delivery of advanced Western aircraft is not imminent. He also urged German manufacturers to expedite the delivery of ammunition to the Kiev army, since, in his words, ammunition shortages were currently the “number one problem” in defense since the Russian invasion. Kuleba said at the Munich Security Conference in February that German arms manufacturers had reassured him that deliveries were ready, pending government signing of contracts.

Zelensky: More than 40 missiles have hit Kharkiv since the beginning of the year

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an overnight speech that more than 40 missiles have hit the northern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv since the beginning of the year.

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Russian missiles at night over the city of Ochakiv

Russian missiles at night over the city of Ochakiv (population 20 thousand people), located 60 km southwest of Mykolaiv. This was reported on Telegram – as reported by the Kyiv Independent – by the chief of police of Mykolaiv, Serhiy Shekhet. Russian forces used various missile launchers to target the city. The bullets set some cars on fire, but no injuries were reported. Emergency services are working at the scene of the attack.

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