Ukraine-Russia war, today’s news

Ukraine-Russia war, today’s news

“We have already imposed sanctions on third countries that supplied weapons to Russia in the war against Ukraine, for example Iran.” This was stated by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in response to a question from reporters at the White House about the danger of China supplying weapons to Moscow. The European leader said she had discussed with Joe Biden the danger that Beijing “could provide military support” to Vladimir Putin’s forces.

365 days since the start of the war in Ukraine

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Live news of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia

Kiev: Moscow lost about 158 ​​thousand soldiers

Russia has lost about 158,000 soldiers in Ukraine. This was reported on Facebook by the General Staff of the Armed Forces in Kiev, citing ukrinform. Between February 24, 2022 and March 11, 2023, losses incurred by the Russians in combat also included – according to the same source – 3,458 tanks, 6,762 armored fighting vehicles, 2,483 artillery systems, 493 multiple launch anti-aircraft missiles, and 257 anti-aircraft systems. , 304 aircraft, 289 helicopters, 5344 vehicles and fuel tanks, 18 ships / warships, 2108 drones. In addition, 907 cruise missiles were shot down.


London writes to the sponsors of the Olympics: press for the exclusion of Russian and Belarusian athletes

The British government is urging the main Olympic sponsors to push for the decision to exclude Russian and Belarusian athletes from the competitions. “We know that sport and politics are closely intertwined in Russia and Belarus, and we are determined not to allow regimes in Russia and Belarus to use sport for propaganda purposes,” the Secretary of State wrote. Sports Lucy Fraser in a letter to senior management of Coca-Cola, Intel, Samsung and Visa in Great Britain, among others.
A group of 35 countries a few weeks ago called for the exclusion of Russian and Belarusian athletes from the competition 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Russia and Belarus are currently excluded from many international sports competitions. The IOC aims for athletes from both countries to compete under neutral flags, provided they clearly adhere to the Olympic Charter and do not actively support the war in Ukraine.


British defense: in Bakhmut the Ukrainians are doing “target training” on the Wagners

Difficulties faced by the Russian Wagner militia in advancing on Bakhmut It goes back to the fact that the Ukrainians, after undermining the bridges on the Pakhmutka River, from reinforced positions carry out deadly “target exercises” on Russian mercenaries, causing huge losses: this is what the British Ministry of Defense claims, according to intelligence sources cited from guardian. According to the British Army, the Bhamutka River now constituted the de facto front line, although the Wagners managed to occupy almost all of the eastern part of the city. Although the Ukrainians defending Bakhmut have given the Russians a hard time away from the tall buildings, they remain vulnerable to attacks from the north and south, according to London.


Kiev imposes sanctions on 120 people, including sports betting companies

Ukraine imposed Penalties against 120 people, mostly Russian citizens, a measure that came into force with the relative decree signed by President Volodymyr Zelensky. report it Kyiv Independent. The list also includes some citizens of the United Kingdom, Poland, the Netherlands, Turkey and Cyprus. 287 legal entities, including a number of sports betting companies, were also fined.
He noted that the list includes people allegedly involved in the kidnapping of Ukrainian children, those who help support mercenaries fighting against Ukraine, and Russian athletes and other sports actors who have shown public support for the war. Kyiv Independent.

Kyiv: two dead in Donetsk

Two people were killed yesterday in the village of Krasnohorivka in Donetsk, the region in eastern Ukraine that has been the scene of the fiercest fighting between Moscow and Kiev forces. This was stated by the governor of the Donetsk region, Pavlo Kirilenko, citing the Kiev Independent. According to the governor, 14 people have been infected in the area over the past 24 hours.

British defense: the Russians hold eastern Bakhmut, Kiev resists the west

Most of it is controlled by Wagner Group forces The eastern part of the city of BakhmutWhile the Ukrainians continue to resist in the east and on the front line, on the river of the same name that crosses the city, it is difficult for the Russians to overcome. This is what we read in the analysis published today by British Defense Intelligence. “Over the past four days, the forces of the Wagner Group have taken control of most of the eastern part” of the disputed city of Donbass. In the centre, “the Bakhmut River now represents the front line. Ukrainian forces control the western part of the city and have demolished the most important bridges over the river, which crosses in a north-south direction a strip of open land between 200 and 200 thousand. 800 meters between built-up areas.” Because Ukrainian units could fire from fortified buildings on the west bank of the river, “this area became a killing zone, making it very difficult for Wagner’s forces to continue their frontal attack westward”.


Kiev: Rejection of more than a hundred attacks in one day

Ukrainian forces pushed back during the last day More than a hundred Russian attacks In the directions of Liman, Bakhmut, Avdev, Marin and Shakhtar. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook, citing ukrinform.

Kiev, environmental damage of more than 50 billion euros

As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, environmental damage amounting to about 50 billion euros was caused. This was shown – as reported by Ukrinform – in Kharkiv during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management.
“We count every tree destroyed. Every hryvnia the Russian Federation will pay us for what they have done. Every day we continue to record new damage and destruction.

According to preliminary estimates, the total damage to the environment is already more than 2 trillion hryvnias: this includes soil pollution, air pollution, burned forests, and destroyed buildings. “Russia is provoking a climate crisis, a nuclear crisis and a humanitarian crisis,” said Ukraine’s First Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Ruslan Gashanik. Oleksandr Vilchakov, head of the Kharkiv regional prosecutor’s office, added: “We record and analyze all crimes in the field of ecology, attacks on industrial facilities, oil fields.”


Georgia: US Security Adviser meets President Zurabishvili

Today, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met with Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili. The White House reported this in a note. At the center of the talks is the country’s Euro-Atlantic integration and the reforms needed to advance Georgia’s candidacy for EU membership. Sullivan and the president also discussed the controversial “foreign agents” bill that has sparked protests in the country, expressing a shared concern that the measure could hinder the important work of hundreds of Georgian NGOs. Finally, the issue of sanctions imposed by the United States and more than 30 allies against Russia has been addressed, underscoring the need for Vladimir Putin to pay for the war in Ukraine.


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