Ukraine russia war, latest news today july 17. direct

Ukraine russia war, latest news today july 17.  direct
A chorus of Western criticism of the Kremlin’s announcement of its unwillingness to extend the wheat agreement, mediated by Turkey at the time. The European Union condemns the \”cynical move\” by Moscow, and the United States knows the Russian stop \”a cruel act\”. “Millions of people will pay the price,” says the UN, while Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Kuleba warns: “Without an agreement on wheat, prices will go up everywhere.” Meanwhile, Moscow not only blames the \”terrorist regime in Kiev\” for today’s attack on the bridge in Crimea, but also points to \”the direct involvement of the US and British intelligence services and politicians\”. From today until Wednesday, Cardinal Zubi will be in Washington as the Pope’s envoy to discuss the peace mission in Ukraine, after having been in Kiev and then in Moscow in recent weeks. \n\n



Russia, the revolutionaries march without firing a shot. What happened


Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive maps


Tactical nuclear weapons: what are they, differences with strategy, implications


Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO


Zelensky’s story from former comedian to wartime president. picture


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“,”postId”:”88d18b9d-0bf5-4b2b-9905-ac18558834cb”}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T21:58:00.125Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 23:58:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog finisce qui”,”content”:”

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“,”postId”:”b2644aa0-0cd1-473e-9ea5-245189b12133″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T21:35:00.523Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 23:35:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:” Guerra Russia-Ucraina, scade oggi l’accordo sul grano. Mosca dice no alla proroga”,”content”:”

La Russia si è detta contraria all’estensione dell’intesa fino a quando non \”saranno soddisfatte tutte le condizioni\”. Nei giorni scorsi Putin ha sostenuto che la parte dell’accordo riguardante Mosca non è stata attuata. Portavoce Cremlino: \”Accordi del Mar Nero hanno cessato di essere validi oggi\”. Decisione notificata a Turchia, Ucraina, Onu. Condanna dell’Ue. Erdogan: \”Credo che Putin voglia che questo ponte umanitario continui\”. L’intesa è considerata cruciale per scongiurare una crisi alimentare mondiale,

“,”postId”:”218f9fcf-ea13-483b-8f91-134fdd56a41c”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T21:15:00.829Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 23:15:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Ucraina, attacco al Ponte di Crimea: 2 morti e blocco del traffico. Cosa è successo”,”content”:”

Nella notte tra domenica e lunedì, due esplosioni hanno danneggiato la struttura. Morta una coppia che viaggiava in auto. Kiev conferma la responsabilità e fonti dell’Sbu dichiarano che il ponte “è stato attaccato con l’ausilio di droni di superficie”. Mosca parla invece di droni di tipo aereo e accusa Usa e Uk di aver guidato l’operazione. Adesso è in programma una riunione per la ricostruzione del ponte: parteciperà anche Putin e sarà \”mandata in onda\”, ha detto il portavoce del Cremlino, Dmitri Peskov.

“,”postId”:”af01f555-eeca-448f-ba02-2c7ead207143″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T20:50:00.961Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 22:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Ucraina, il cardinale Zuppi vola a Washington: prosegue la missione di pace”,”content”:”

Il presidente della Cei sarà a Washington da oggi e fino a mercoledì come inviato del Papa per discutere della missione di pace.

“,”postId”:”812a81f4-f3f6-4d62-b07f-b9e58fc8d1c7″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T20:30:00.519Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 22:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, attacco al ponte in Crimea, le immagini dei danni alla struttura. VIDEO”,”content”:”

È di almeno due persone morte il bilancio delle vittime delle esplosioni avvenute nella notte sul Ponte di Crimea. Si registra anche un ferito. Una delle campate della struttura è rollata e un’altra è rimasta danneggiata. L’entità complessiva dei danni causati, comunque, è ancora da verificare. Poco dopo l’attacco, diversi video hanno iniziato a circolare sui social con le immagini dei danni al ponte.

“,”postId”:”18855f83-b015-464d-af60-49cd3f496191″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T20:29:01.624Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 22:29:01+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky: \”Attacchi terroristi russi non resteranno senza risposta\””,”content”:”

Ringrazio ognuno dei nostri soccorritori, ogni poliziotto, ogni volontario, ogni medico che salva la nostra gente dopo i bombardamenti russi. Gli attacchi terroristici di oggi nelle regioni di Sumy, Kharkiv, Donbass, Kherson e Zaporizhzhia non rimarranno certamente senza risposta da parte dei nostri soldati\”. Lo ha assicurato il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky nel suo consueto videomessaggio serale ripreso da Ukrinform.

“,”postId”:”78c0aaa9-efcb-4861-b863-22478f3943e2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T20:26:23.993Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 22:26:23+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:” Zelensky: \”Intesa sul grano continui anche senza la Russia\””,”content”:”

\”L’accordo sul grano può e deve continuare a funzionare, senza la Russia\”. Lo ha dichiarato il presidente Volodymyr Zelensky nel suo consueto videomessaggio serale, riferisce Ukrinform, precisando che ne parlerà con il Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite e con il presidente turco Erdogan. \”La posizione dell’Ucraina è sempre stata e sarà la più chiara possibile: nessuno ha il diritto di distruggere la sicurezza alimentare di nessuna nazione\”. 

“,”postId”:”cd41954b-dffb-4b48-8510-e0689f2bf1ee”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T20:10:00.667Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 22:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Paura spionaggio, la Russia vieta l’uso di iPhone ai funzionari statali”,”content”:”

La Russia teme lo spionaggio e impone il divieto di utilizzo di prodotti Apple per attività lavorative perché “gli Usa possono intercettare chiamate”. È la risposta del Cremlino al crescente timore di spionaggio. Questo divieto riguarda migliaia di funzionari e dipendenti statali e rappresenta un’ulteriore mossa per contrastare la presenza della società di Cupertino sul territorio russo. Secondo quanto riportato dal Financial Times, gli esperti di intelligence russi sostengono che gli americani potrebbero utilizzare le attrezzature Apple per intercettare le comunicazioni telefoniche. Secondi il sevizio di sicurezza russo, diverse migliaia di iPhone con schede SIM russe e registrate presso le missioni diplomatiche di Mosca nei Paesi della NATO, nonché in Israele, Siria e Cina, sarebbero stati infettati da un software di monitoraggio che indicava la complicità di Apple con l’Agenzia per la sicurezza nazionale degli Stati Uniti. Ma da Cupertino la notizia è stata smentita.

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“,”postId”:”e4d62a73-08f9-46b4-a0a5-da1ce4fcaa7d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T19:50:00.594Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 21:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Prigozhin, gli affari milionari del capo della Wagner fra ristoranti e fake news”,”content”:”

L’uomo che oggi guida la brigata di mercenari che ha fatto tremare il Cremlino negli anni ha costruito una fortuna grazie al suo rapporto con il presidente russo, tanto da essere soprannominato “lo chef di Putin” per la sua redditizia attività di locali e catering. A lui viene attribuita anche la creazione di una “fabbrica di troll” dedita alla disinformazione sul web e considerata responsabile di interferenze nelle elezioni americane e di altri Paesi alleati. COSA SAPERE

“,”postId”:”423720fc-5b7e-4e87-acdd-266d7e0c7867″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T19:30:00.016Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 21:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Lukashenko, chi è il presidente bielorusso definito “l’ultimo dittatore d’Europa””,”content”:”

Alleato di Putin e legato a doppio filo a Mosca da gas e elettricità, il padrone di Minsk era un semplice proprietario di fattoria prima di diventare capo di Stato nel 1994. Diverse le elezioni che gli sono state contestate anche se molte cancellerie europee lo hanno ricevuto con tutti gli onori fino alle elezioni nazionali del 2020, con manifestazioni di protesta sedate a fatica con l’aiuto russo. LA FOTOSTORIA

“,”postId”:”55aac3e9-88c3-4737-b047-eb1901fff661″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T19:28:04.752Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 21:28:04+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:” Casa Bianca: con Zuppi focus su bimbi e aiuti umanitari”,”content”:”

Joe Biden accoglierà alla Casa Bianca il cardinale Matteo Zuppi domani alla Casa Bianca. Lo conferma la portavoce Karine Jean-Pierre. Il presidente americano e l’inviato del Vaticano discuteranno della \”diffusa sofferenza causata dalla brutale guerra della Russia in Ucraina e degli sforzi degli Stati Uniti e della Santa Sede per fornire aiuti umanitari alle persone colpite\” nonche’ \”del rimpatrio dei bambini ucraini deportati con la forza da Mosca\”.

“,”postId”:”ce619fd8-c99c-4a3b-b1a7-eb685e991047″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T19:27:01.216Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 21:27:01+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Meloni: \”Usare il grano come arma un’offesa all’umanità\””,”content”:”

La decisione della Russia di interrompere l’accordo del grano è l’ulteriore prova su chi è amico e chi è nemico dei paesi più poveri\”. Lo sottolinea la premier Giorgia Meloni, aggiungendo: \”Riflettano i leader di quelle nazioni che non vogliono distinguere tra aggredito e aggressore. Usare la materia prima che sfama il mondo come un’arma è un’altra offesa contro l’umanità\”.

“,”postId”:”3b6b7e50-6e61-4006-baba-f0ab28c71cfd”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T19:25:40.914Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 21:25:40+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Casa Bianca: mossa Mosca su grano irresponsabile ,pericolosa “,”content”:”

\”Una decisione irresponsabile pericolosa che avrà conseguenze per milioni di persone vulnerabili nel mondo\”: così il portavoce del consiglio per la sicurezza nazionale John Kirby ha definito la decisione di Mosca di non rinnovare l’accordo per l’export del grano dai porti ucraini. Kirby ha esortato la Russia a revocare la sua decisione. 

“,”postId”:”b35a2f3a-5f0f-47d9-9e4f-c0602c03165b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T19:10:00.519Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 21:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra in Ucraina, perché Medvedev è tornato a minacciare l’apocalisse nucleare”,”content”:”

Negli ultimi mesi di guerra si sente parlare di rischio nucleare. L’ultima minaccia in ordine di tempo arriva da Dimitry Medvedev, oggi vice Presidente del Consiglio di Sicurezza russo, da sempre al fianco di Putin, a cui ha tenuto il posto da Presidente quando la legge elettorale non consentiva allo zar di rinnovare il suo mandato. IL PUNTO

“,”postId”:”7f8c9a46-8d2f-42e6-8ffd-8621678f0e62″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T19:01:49.046Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 21:01:49+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev, \”russi hanno ammassato oltre 100mila soldati nell’area di Kupyansk\””,”content”:”

La Russia ha concentrato oltre 100mila soldati nell’area di Kupyansk e sta cercando di rompere le difese ucraine. Lo dichiara Serhii Cherevatyi, vice comandante per le comunicazioni strategiche del gruppo militare orientale ucraino. \”Il nemico ha concentrato un gruppo molto potente sulla direttrice Lyman-Kupyansk, con oltre 100mila soldati, oltre 900 tank ed oltre 370 Mlrs – ha detto – il nemico dispiega unità aviotrasportate, le migliori unità di fanteria motorizzata\”. E le forze russe \”ce la stanno mettendo tutta per rompere le nostre linee difensive, ma i nostri soldati rimangono saldi a tenere la difesa\”. 

\n”,”postId”:”dddb4bfc-ea88-4f64-a2f2-154301d356a7″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T18:51:01.085Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 20:51:01+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Nato condanna stop grano: \”Colpisce milioni di persone\””,”content”:”

\”Condanno la decisione unilaterale della Russia di ritirarsi dall’Iniziativa del grano del Mar Nero, nonostante gli sforzi del nostro alleato Turchia e dell’Onu. La guerra illegale della Russia contro l’Ucraina continua a danneggiare milioni di persone vulnerabili in tutto il mondo\”. Lo scrive in un tweet il segretario generale della Nato, Jens Stoltenberg. 

“,”postId”:”79e36010-7991-4fb1-b472-1e4f6cb8834b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T18:50:30.005Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 20:50:30+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”″,”content”:”″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”5922d437-b117-432d-afe9-65056ad95600″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T18:50:00.157Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 20:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca minaccia attacco a centrali nucleari in Ucraina ed Est Europa. I siti a rischio”,”content”:”

I vertici del Cremlino continuano a evocare lo spettro del  nucleare, dopo che sui canali social filorussi si è diffusa la voce  secondo cui le forze armate ucraine sarebbero pronte ad attaccare la  centrale di Smolensk, in Russia. Medvedev, vicepresidente del Consiglio di sicurezza russo, ha detto che in tal caso \”sarà necessario esaminare  uno scenario d’attacco simultaneo della Russia” contro tre centrali ucraine: Pivdennoukrainski, Rivne e Khmelnytskyi. E ha allargato il  campo anche all’Europa orientale LEGGI

“,”postId”:”a9254c73-c3cf-4d19-a096-1f22aa1f564b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T18:36:18.401Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 20:36:18+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”″,”content”:”″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”7c55427b-0ccc-4329-8b2a-7e0ce74d584b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-17T18:35:31.087Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-17 20:35:31+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky: \”Abbiamo ancora percorso molto difficile\””,”content”:”

 \”Abbiamo ancora un percorso molto, molto difficile da percorrere per liberare il nostro intero territorio dall’occupazione, ma non dimentichiamo come tutto è iniziato, come è iniziato tutto e cosa sono riusciti a superare gli ucraini\”. Lo scrive sui social il Presidente ucraino, Volodymyr Zelensky.

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“,”postId”:”b636b226-19e4-4ca7-877b-da8f0c3abe7f”}]}”query=”{“live”:true,”config-name”:”LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”,”liveblogId”:b57e565b-f5fb-4610-9fad-63f8f47d8d0c”,”tenant”:tg24″,”page”:1 } ‘>

A chorus of Western criticism of the Kremlin’s announcement of its unwillingness to extend the wheat agreement, mediated by Turkey at the time. The European Union condemns the “cynical move” by Moscow, and the United States calls the Russian pause an “atrocity”. “Millions of people will pay the price,” says the UN, while Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba warns: “Without an agreement on wheat, prices will go up everywhere.” Meanwhile, Moscow not only blames the “terrorist regime in Kiev” for today’s attack on the bridge in Crimea, but also indicates “the direct involvement of the intelligence services and American and British politicians.” From today until Wednesday, Cardinal Zubi will be in Washington as the Pope’s envoy to discuss the peace mission in Ukraine, after having been in Kiev and then in Moscow in recent weeks.


Russia, the revolutionaries march without firing a shot. What happened

Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive maps

Tactical nuclear weapons: what are they, differences with strategy, implications

Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO

Zelensky’s story from former comedian to wartime president. picture

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The war between Russia and Ukraine, the wheat deal ends today. Moscow refuses to extend

Russia said it opposed extending the agreement until “all conditions are met”. In recent days, Putin has emphasized that the part of the agreement related to Moscow has not been implemented. Kremlin spokesman: “The Black Sea agreements are no longer valid today.” Notification of the decision to Türkiye, Ukraine, the United Nations. condemnation of the European Union. Erdogan: I think Putin wants this humanitarian bridge to continue. The agreement is crucial to averting a global food crisis.

Ukrainian war, attack on the Crimean bridge: 2 killed and traffic blocked. What happened

On the night between Sunday and Monday, two explosions destroyed the building. A couple who were traveling by car died. Kiev confirms its responsibility, and sources in the State Security Administration say that the bridge “was attacked with the help of drones.” Moscow speaks instead of the drones and accuses the United States and the United Kingdom of leading the operation. A meeting on the reconstruction of the bridge is now scheduled, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov: Putin will also participate and it will be “broadcast”.

The war in Ukraine, Cardinal Zubi flies to Washington: the peace mission continues

The chair of the Independent Electoral Commission will be in Washington from today through Wednesday as the Pope’s envoy to discuss the peace mission.

Ukraine, the attack on the bridge in Crimea, photos of the destruction of the structure. video

At least two people were killed in the explosions that occurred at night on the Crimean Bridge. There is also one wounded. One span of the hull rolled over and the other was damaged. However, the total amount of damage caused has not yet been verified. Shortly after the attack, several videos began circulating on social media showing pictures of the damage to the bridge.

Zelensky: Russian terrorist attacks will not go unanswered

I thank all our rescuers, every policeman, every volunteer, every doctor who saves our people after the Russian bombing. Certainly, the terrorist attacks that took place today in the Sumy, Kharkiv, Donbass, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions will not pass without a response from our servicemen.

Zelensky: “The nuclear agreement will continue even without Russia”

The wheat deal can and should continue without Russia. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelensky in his usual evening video message, Ukrinform reports, stating that he will discuss the matter with the UN Secretary-General and with Turkish President Erdogan. “Ukraine’s position has always been, is and will be as clear as possible: no one has the right to destroy the food security of any country.”

Fearing espionage, Russia bans the use of iPhones by state officials

Russia fears espionage and bans the use of Apple products in business activities because “the United States can intercept calls.” It is the Kremlin’s response to the growing fear of espionage. This ban affects thousands of state officials and employees and represents another step to counter the Cupertino company’s presence on Russian soil. According to reports from the Financial Times, Russian intelligence experts say the Americans may be using Apple equipment to intercept telephone communications. According to the Russian Security Service, several thousand iPhones with Russian SIM cards and registered in Moscow’s diplomatic missions in NATO countries, as well as in Israel, Syria and China, would have been infected through surveillance programs that indicated Apple’s complicity with the United States. security agency. But from Cupertino the news was denied.

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Prigozhin, the multi-millionaire Wagner’s boss worked among restaurants and fake news

The man who today leads the brigade of mercenaries that have rocked the Kremlin over the years, built a fortune thanks to his relationship with the Russian president, so much so that he is nicknamed “Putin’s chef” because of his lucrative club and food business. He is also credited with creating a “troll factory” dedicated to disinformation on the web and held responsible for interfering in US and other allied elections. what do you know

Lukashenko, the Belarusian president who is nicknamed “Europe’s last dictator”

An ally of Putin and hand in hand with Moscow on gas and electricity, he was a simple Minsk farm owner before becoming head of state in 1994. He contested several elections though many European advisers greeted him with full distinction until the 2020 national elections, with protests easing with Russian assistance. Photography

The White House: With Zuppi focused on children and humanitarian aid

Joe Biden will welcome Cardinal Mateo Zubi to the White House tomorrow at the White House. This was confirmed by spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre. The US president and the Vatican envoy will discuss “the vast suffering caused by Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine and the efforts of the United States and the Holy See to provide humanitarian aid to those affected,” as well as “the repatriation of deported Ukrainian children.” power from Moscow.

Meloni: “Using wheat as a weapon is an insult to humanity”

Russia’s decision to boycott the wheat agreement is yet another proof of who is friend and who is enemy of the poorest countries. Weaponizing the raw materials that feed the world is another crime against humanity.”

The White House: Moscow is acting irresponsibly and dangerously on wheat

“A dangerous and irresponsible decision that will have consequences for millions of vulnerable people around the world”: this is how National Security Council spokesman John Kirby defined Moscow’s decision not to renew the agreement to export grain from Ukrainian ports. Kirby urged Russia to reverse its decision.

The war in Ukraine, because Medvedev has returned to threaten the nuclear end of the world

In the last months of the war we hear talk of nuclear dangers. The final threat in chronological order comes from Dmitry Medvedev, now the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, who has always sided with Putin, who retained his position as president when election law did not allow the tsar to renew his term. the point

Kiev, “The Russians have massed more than 100,000 soldiers in the Kobyansk region”

Russia has massed more than 100,000 troops in the Kobyansk region and is trying to break through the Ukrainian defences. This was stated by Serhiy Chervaty, Deputy Commander of Strategic Communications of the Eastern Ukrainian Military Group. “The enemy has concentrated a very strong grouping on the Liman-Kubyansk road, with more than 100 thousand soldiers, more than 900 tanks and more than 370 million,” he said. “The enemy is deploying airborne units, the best of which are the motorized infantry.” And the Russian forces “are trying hard to break our defensive lines, but our soldiers remain steadfast in defense.”

NATO condemns the wheat moratorium: “It affects millions of people”

“I condemn Russia’s unilateral decision to withdraw from the Black Sea Wheat Initiative, despite the efforts of our ally Turkey and the United Nations. Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine continues to harm millions of vulnerable people around the world.” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wrote this in a tweet.

Moscow threatens to attack nuclear power plants in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Websites are in danger

Kremlin leaders continue to invoke the specter of nuclear power, after a rumor of Ukrainian Armed Forces’ readiness to attack Russia’s Smolensk plant spread on pro-Russian social media channels. Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, said that in this case “it will be necessary to study the scenario of a simultaneous attack by Russia” against three Ukrainian power plants: Pevdinokrainsky, Rivne and Khmelnitsky. He also expanded the field to include Eastern Europe Read more

Zelensky: “We still have a very difficult road ahead”

“We still have a very difficult way to liberate our entire territory from occupation, but let’s not forget how it all began, how it all began, and what the Ukrainians managed to overcome.” The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, writes it on social media.

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