Ukraine and the Russians declared a truce, but their violation delayed the evacuation to Mariupol. Lavrov, Zelensky wants a world war born in Russia

Ukraine and the Russians declared a truce, but their violation delayed the evacuation to Mariupol.  Lavrov, Zelensky wants a world war born in Russia

Ten days into the war, the first signs of détente in Ukraine are now struggling to materialize. Moscow, in fact, declared a 5-hour truce (from 9.00 to 14.00 GMT, 10.00 and 15.00 in Italy) to open humanitarian corridors and allow the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovaki, two besieged and heavily bombed sites, but in fact the initiative has not yet begun.

According to Kyiv, the reason was that the Russians did not respect the armistice along the way. But President Putin, citing the tax, says that “the work of the humanitarian corridors, especially the Mariupol corridor, is prevented by Ukrainian nationalists.

Zelensky regrets the lack of NATO intervention, it means that he does not want to solve the conflict with diplomacy. The Russian foreign minister said that he is trying to provoke the conflict against Russia with the participation of NATO. Sergey Lavrov. “He has a military insanity.” Regarding the humanitarian corridors in Mariupol and Volnovaki, he adds: “Nobody attended.”

Civilians desert Irbin, northwest of Kyiv, during an offensive

The situation of the Russian economy is exceptional at the moment, and this requires exceptional measures. The Kremlin confirms this, according to TASS. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted by TASS news agency as saying that Moscow and Washington are keeping some channels of dialogue open against the background of the current geopolitical situation. “We keep some channels of dialogue open with the United States,” Peskov said in a statement in response to a question about relations between the two countries. Two days ago, a US defense official announced the opening of a direct red line with the Russian Defense Ministry “with the aim of preventing miscalculation, military accidents and escalation,” the Pentagon official said.

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Meanwhile, the Russian march towards Ukraine continues on the eve of the weekend, which will witness a third round of negotiations with Moscow and demonstrations for peace in several cities.

Sirens went off yesterday near Kyiv, killing 5 people, including 3 children and Around the strategic port of Mariupol, under siege, the mayor denounced the “brutal” attacks. But what is worrying in these hours is above all else”Moving towards a second nuclear power plant after the one in Zaporizhzhya, the largest in EuropeWhere the workers have been working since yesterday at gunpoint. Fortunately, no reactors were hit.

Late in the day, US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield suggested that another nuclear power plant would be in the Russians’ sights. And on the night when the Odessa was frightened, the Russians tightened their grip on Mariupol. Russian forces are 32 kilometers from the second largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

Kyiv claims to have destroyed at least 39 Russian aircraft and 40 Russian helicopters since the invasion began; The Pentagon says Moscow has already deployed 92% of its forces in Ukraine, but Kyiv is also able to resist.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky insists that NATO establish a no-fly zone, accusing the West, which he opposes, of being responsible for the deaths, including many children. He denies escaping to Poland, as Moscow suggested, by filming him in his offices in Kyiv. His adviser, Mikhailo Podolak, said that negotiations with Moscow “will not be easy, but there will be.”

Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Sky News Arabia that the “operation” as Moscow defines the invasion, is not aimed at dividing Ukraine but rather turning it into a “demilitarized zone, free of neo-Nazi ideology”. Rivers of refugees are heading towards the border A new meeting of the UN Security Council called on Monday will have to decide how to ensure humanitarian corridors.

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In Moscow, Putin is blackouting social media and the media, and many of them are leaving Russia. Various sports federations ban Russian and Belarusian athletes, including gymnastics and boxing, until the crisis spreads to Georgia, Moldova and even Bosnia. The West applies sanctions to the property of the oligarchy.

At NATO headquarters in Brussels, the alliance’s foreign ministers remain firm about the decision not to enter the conflict but are also raising dangers for Bosnia, Moldova and Georgia. New weapons arrive in Ukraine from the United States and American B52s are flying to the eastern border of NATO, in a maneuver with the German and Romanian air forces. American bombers, leaving the UK, flew into the airspace of Romania, close to Ukraine.

CNN showed a video clip showing the cry of alarm that spread from the public alert system near the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant when it was attacked at night between Thursday and Friday: “Stop shooting. You are endangering the country. Global safety.”

Zelensky: “I didn’t run away. I’m here.” “They say every two days that I fled from Ukraine, from Kyiv. But here, you see, my place.” Thus, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a video posted on Instagram, denied the announcement made earlier by the head of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, who reported that Zelensky himself had fled to Poland. “No one has fled anywhere, we are working,” Interfax news agency quoted the Ukrainian president as saying, noting that with him was the head of the presidential office Andrei Yermak.

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Meanwhile, Moscow’s grip on the media is loosening, and in the face of blocking access to social media and information sites, it is limiting access to information sites, declaring a ban on Facebook and Twitter, and various Western media outlets leaving Moscow. These include Bloomberg, ABC, and CBS. BBC withdraws its journalists from Russia and reopens shortwave broadcasting as in the days of Radio London, while Radio Echo Mosca resists and will continue broadcasting on YouTube.

Listen to “Russian Attack, Near New Chernobyl” on the Spreaker.

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