Ukraine and France: “Biden and Putin will meet at a summit. Only if Russia does not invade.” But Moscow denies: “It is still too early.”

Ukraine and France: “Biden and Putin will meet at a summit. Only if Russia does not invade.”  But Moscow denies: “It is still too early.”

The enthusiasm of international diplomacy for one lasts only a few hours next meeting between the president of the United States, Joe Bidenand Russian Russian President Vladimir Putinto solve a problem Ukrainian crisis. In the morning ,Elisha The two leaders had announced their agreement to organize a bilateral summit thanks to the mediation of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, which will then be extended to “all parties involved”. But now since then Kremlin Comes with a sharp denial: “The meeting is premature at the moment.”I let you know. Words return international observers to concern about increasing tension between the parties, with the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian rebels from Donbass re-engaging in a force similar to that of the 2014 conflict, during the course. Of which 14,000 people lost their lives. However, Moscow does not close the door to talks between the two parties, but says that there are no plans at the moment to do so. “Of course we are We do not rule out“Possibility of talks,” if necessary, of course, the presidents of Russia and the United States can decide at any time to make a phone call or in person. This will be their decisionA Kremlin spokesperson said, Dmitriy Peskov. He added that the meeting is possible If the leaders of the two countries see fitAt the present time, there is a clear understanding of the need to continue dialogue at the ministerial level.” Then he reiterated that the tension in the Donbass continues to escalate. For this, the Russian leader will hold one today An extraordinary session of the Security CouncilHe added: “President Putin will hold a meeting of the Russian Security Council – he added – it is an expanded Security Council. Moreover, today the President is expected to hold a series of international telephone conversations.” In the afternoon, he will also hold a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Olaf Schulz.

Tensions remain – Meanwhile, the tension did not go away: recently, the Moscow security services accused Kiev of the destruction, with Grenade, Border crossing. an agency tax A note from the Russian Federal Security Service reported that a bullet fired from Ukrainian territory hit a Russian border guard outpost in the area Rostov: “On February 21 at 09:50, a bullet of an unidentified sample fired from the territory of Ukraine completely destroyed a border guard checkpoint of the Russian Federal Security Service in the Rostov region, located at a distance of about 150 meters from the Russian side. -Ukrainian border. ‘, the note reads. The FSB reported that there were no casualties.” The Secretary of the Security Council of Ukraine denied the allegations. In Donbass, where the self-proclaimed separatist republics loyal to Russia are located, 266 miners were evacuated from the Donetsk mine after the ventilation system was damaged by shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces. According to the Donetsk News Agency, citing the Interfax agency, the damaged mine is the Skochinsky mine in the Kirovsky region. Miner was not hurt. Also announced in Donetsk emergency situation: More than 21,000 people were left without water as a result of another bombing that hit the water network. Me too’hospital The city could have been damaged by mortars fired by the Kiev army. The situation is also complicated in the surrounding area MariupolAlways on the border: “The militants of the 36th Brigade attacked the positions of People’s Militia units (Donetsk) in the Komenternovo region. There is a battle near the border with the Russian Federation, ”as the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushlin, reported on Telegram. In the wake of mortar and artillery fire, military man From the people’s militia was killingSeveral people were injured,” Pushlin added, noting that “Ukrainian sabotage groups are becoming increasingly active.”

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The meeting is “acceptable in principle” – Presidents Biden and Putin announced this through ParisThey agreed in principle to meet at a summit that “can only take place if Russia does not invade Ukraine”, where preparations begin Thursday. The United States of America They welcomed the news, but didn’t take the pressure off them fliesso a White House spokesman, Jin PsakiI reiterated through the night that “As the President has repeatedly made clear, we are committed to pursuing diplomacy until the moment the invasion begins. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken And the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov They plan to meet this week, on the condition that Russia does not proceed with military action. We are always ready for diplomacy but also ready for imposition Rapid and dire consequences In the event that Russia chooses war.” Also from Paris, the airline Air France He announced that he had canceled his trips scheduled for February 22 between the French and Ukrainian capitals. The French decision follows – the same as – Germany’s Lufthansa and its associated Swissair, as well as that of Austrian Airlines. Likewise, the High Representative for the foreign policy of the European Union, Josep BorrellHe returns to pressure by threatening sanctions in the event of a Moscow attack:Sanctions have been done, I finish. When the time comes, I will call for an extraordinary Council of Foreign Ministers and introduce sanctions.” However, he said he was satisfied with a possible summit between the Russian and US presidents, noting that “the EU supports the recent diplomatic efforts of Emmanuel Macron. Minister-level meetings, leaders’ summits, any diplomatic effort to avoid war is good for us.”

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Ukraine, NATO, European Union – For its part, Ukraine is not ready to give up its will Join NATO. The Secretary of State summoned this day, Dmitro Koleba, according to which the country wants and “will try to join NATO” although “some European countries” are trying to dissuade it: “The majority of Ukrainians want Ukraine to become a member of NATO. The only signal we send to the world is that if Ukraine succeeds and if Russia withdraws, The entire democratic world would be safer.” Then he called on Brussels to move forward with the sanctions: “Today we expect decisionsAnd not just political messages. There is every reason to impose part of the sanctions already now.” According to Minister Kuleba, the EU should “send a clear message to Russia that Ukraine is one of us.” This was stated by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba after meeting with 27 heads of diplomacy in the framework of the Foreign Affairs Council. Commenting on the latest developments on the ground, he added, “Whatever Vladimir Putin says, I continue to work for diplomacy.” Foreign Minister from Brussels Luigi Di Maio He repeats: “Our embassy in Kiev conducts several evacuation tests for personnel and asks all Italians in Ukraine to leave the country, but the embassy remains open and runs smoothly, because we want to give a signal of closeness to the Ukrainian people and we believe in diplomacy.”

Donbass – However, there is a front that the war has already seen for more than a month: it is the front that separates Ukraine from the separatist, pro-Russian republics of Donbass. Until tonight there were clashes with the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republic Donetsk It deplores the killing of one of its members and the serious injury of two others. While the leader of the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republic LuganskLeonid Bashnik, on a decree indicating that Voluntary packing for men over 55. Local sources linked to Moscow also reported that the number of civilians fleeing from the region to Russia in the region RostovAfter the evacuation ordered by the rebel leaders on Friday. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military accused pro-Russian separatists of doing so 80 violations of the cease-fire.

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