Today’s horoscope December 23, 2022 for all signs according to Blackbeard

Today’s horoscope December 23, 2022 for all signs according to Blackbeard

Today’s horoscope December 23, 2022: Here’s what Blackbeard predicted and how the positions and motions of the celestial bodies in relation to Earth will affect all signs.

Today’s horoscope December 23rd

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

Unfriendly relations between the Moon and Jupiter do not allow you to rely too much on luck. But of course you need it! Only put intimate secrets to a true friend, and you’ll be sure he won’t spill it.

bull. 21/4 – 20/5

There is very little time left for Christmas preparations, but the Moon in practical Capricorn gives you a chance for perfect organization. A gift to wrap and some final greeting cards to write: It’s always nice to receive.

twins. 21/5 – 21/6

Don’t worry about pre-holiday anxiety. You can do whatever you need to without too much worry, and things will get better. Unfortunately, you will have to spend a few hours with an overworked person: be patient, it’s almost Christmas!

cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

It may take twice as long to complete the task due to the opposition of the Moon. Sure, it’s not your fault, but… you need peace of mind instead of running left and right in malls.

Lion. 23/7 – 23/8

Involve the whole family in the final preparations to be made before Christmas, if work commitments do not allow you to give yourself a lot of energy. You want everything to be perfect when the guests arrive. But what matters is that we are together.

Bakr. 24/8 – 22/9

The speed at which you tackle the day’s organization will earn you precious minutes that you can dedicate to whatever you love. Trine of the Moon is perfect to distract you and have some fun. But duty first, pleasure later.

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Weight scale. 9/23 – 10/22

With the Lunar square paddling against it, your practical sense isn’t at its best and you’re probably feeling a little run down. Tasks to be delegated to another person. No need to raise your voice. You will succeed in your persuasive work, if you use tact and know-how.

The scorpion. 10/23 – 11/22

With the Moon in ally of Capricorn, you won’t find yourself climbing your own high mountains, real or imagined! Whatever you decide to do today, do it only in the company of the people you love.

Sagittarius. 11/23 – 12/21

Create your perfect puzzle, in which all elements must fit perfectly apart from maybe save some small edges. Willing to lend a hand if a colleague asks for help. You won’t want to give it away right before Christmas!

Capricorn. 12/22 – 1/20

The conjunction of the Sun with the Moon, once it reaches your home, may give you the feeling of not being able to achieve the desired harmony. Avoid excessive physical exertion, if you are not trained and have not warmed up enough.

Aquarium. 1/21 – 2/19

Make some choices yourself. Well, but this way the responsibility will also fall entirely on your shoulders. Ready to take on the load? A stressful time, maybe a little bit for everyone because of the latest gifts and preparations for the holidays.

Fish. 20/2 – 20/3

With a lunar sextile, you’ll have a small last-minute flash of genius and avoid having to start a daunting task all over again. A little respect and love for yourself too, even if giving to others is certainly fun.

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