Thyroid disease, the new fake revealed by science

Thyroid disease, the new fake revealed by science

It’s like a butterfly in the neck. It is a formidable regulator of our well-being. But sometimes it doesn’t work well, to the point where there are nearly six million people in Italy Thyroid problems. Unfortunately, in addition to the specific objective conditions – it must always be remembered that thyroid diseases should be addressed together with an endocrinologist, to find the most effective solution for each individual case – sometimes the information about these problems is not entirely correct.

That is why World Thyroid Week until May 31st focuses on this aspect. According to Marcello Banasco, Scientific Coordinator of the Week and President of AIT (Italian Association of Thyroid) “The wide availability of news on the Internet undoubtedly, as always, has positive effects, but it can also lead to the illusion of the ability to be “doctors themselves” In all respects, and above all identifying the proliferation of inaccurate or even false information, which is often alarming, prone to revival and amplification.” For clarity, here are some examples of answers that experts give to the topics most discussed among people. The information is not really

Hypothyroidism means weight gain?

Those who have extra pounds tend to report an increased thyroid weight. But it’s not always the right decision, says Anna Maria Colau, president of the SIE, the Italian Society of Endocrinology. Patients with severe hypothyroidism may be overweight, but this is not usually found in mild hypothyroidism, which is more common. Furthermore, obese patients may experience modest changes in thyroid function tests, which should be properly framed by an endocrinologist. In any case, the use of drugs containing thyroid hormone for slimming purposes is neither sufficient nor effective, and carries health risks.”

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Yes or no iodized salt?

Iodized salt is an effective tool that you can offer to everyoneAdequate amount of iodineBut there are also many doubts that must be finally dispelled. “Iodine is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland because it is the primary component of thyroid hormones, so adequate nutrition with iodine allows you to prevent most thyroid diseases – explains Antonella Oliveri, head of the National Observatory for Monitoring Iodine Prevention (OSNAMI). The ISS, Higher Institute of Health. Can For everyone, even people with thyroid disease, to use iodized salt (“a little salt but iodized,” according to a successful mantra) because this food ensures the necessary needs but does not cause an excessive intake of iodine.”

When a scalpel is needed

Sometimes it is necessary to surgically intervene in the thyroid gland, possibly to remove part or all of the gland. Obviously, even from an aesthetic point of view, having less visible permanent marks is important. But we must not make the mistake of thinking that all people are the same: also for the thyroid gland, it is necessary to work with the optimal strategy on a case-by-case basis.

“One leads one to look at it Invasive and robotic interventions Hypothyroidism can lead to fewer complications – reports Pietro Giorgio Calo, President of SIUEC, Consolidated Italian Society of Endocrine Surgery. The possibility of complications in thyroid surgery is not related to the technique used. Minimally invasive interventions are preferred due to the possibility of almost invisible marks on the neck, but these techniques are intended for thyroid and smaller nodules. Thyroid surgery is increasingly oriented towards a personalized approach to each individual patient, gland characteristic, and nodule.”

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X-rays and thyroid

Implement Mammography examination It is fundamental, according to the considered path of each woman. It is better to remember that the radiation emitted during the examination is not intended to cause problems with the gland.

According to Maria Cristina Marzola of AIMN, the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine, “Some people believe that the radiation they are exposed to through mammograms can cause damage to the thyroid gland, and therefore it will always be necessary to wear a lead collar to protect themselves. In fact, There is no risk of damage to the thyroid gland, particularly tumors associated with mammography, which is a valuable procedure for early diagnosis of breast cancer.The resulting radioactivity is very low and radiation in no way affects the thyroid gland.The use of lead collars is not only Useless but harmful because it can alter the outcome of the mammogram.”

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