Thirty years after his death, he studied for the philosopher Gemonat at the only school that bears his name

Thirty years after his death, he studied for the philosopher Gemonat at the only school that bears his name

Thirty years after his death, he studied for the philosopher Gemonat at the only school that bears his name

It’s been 30 years since his death Ludovico Gemonat It is 25 named after him The only Italian school named after the distinguished philosopher and mathematician: So it is a double memory that the Tradata Higher Institute will celebrate on Monday 29 November, the anniversary of the death of the brilliant scientist of knowledge, the father of the philosophy of science in Italy. (Pictured is Professor Fabio Menazi)

for this occasion inLecture hall on Gramsk RoadOne of the most successful Geymonat students will bring me: Professor Fabio Menazzi Normal Philosophy of Science at the University of Insubria. The University of Varese professor, who is certainly one of the most authoritative voices in the Italian academic world, will introduce the students of the fourth and fifth semesters of Banquet hall from applied Sciences An opportunity to get better acquainted with the personality and thought of the Turin thinker, who was appointed in 1956 as the first chair of Philosophy of Science on the Peninsula at the State University of Milan.

The lesson will be presented by the school principal Adele Olgiati, emphasizing the value of the institute’s name to Geymonat, a name which “makes well for summarizing two courses of study that exist in our school: Itis, with its various titles, and the Secondary School of Applied Sciences”. As the Principal notes, “The Piedmontese philosopher, who deserves great commendation for giving him full citizenship of scientific knowledge in the context of Italian culture, has in fact brought to light the close connection that unites theory and practice, science and technology.”

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The presence of Professor Menazi will be especially important: in addition to collaborating with the eminent thinker and editing the edition of many of his professor’s writings, and also signing publications dedicated to him, the Insubria teacher has He donated several Geymonat works to the Tradate School years ago. It is a precious cultural heritage, available to students and teachers of the high school, which in addition to the high school has four technical courses: automation, communication, environmental biotechnology and electronics. The path, the last, in which the experience of bots is also active.

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