They talk about bike tourism companies in Girona

Institutions in Girona are connected to the world of bicycles She responded for the first time In the face of voices accusing them of promoting elitist tourism that mainly targets foreign athletes. Tensions between groups advocating for a less crowded city and shops dedicated to cycling tourism have led to graffiti and damaged locks of some shops in recent weeks.

If only one week ago Platform for tourist retreat in Gironaentrepreneurs in the cycling sector have announced that they will also come together in an association and have already come forward agreeing that a system must be put in place to ensure coexistence in the city.

Paintings at the Apartments Tourism Association headquarters (image provided to ACN by ATA)

They admit mistakes

the business men For what is actually called bicycle tourism They met with the city council In addition to imposing order, they realize that they must integrate more into the social fabric of Girona’s capital so that residents do not view them as outsiders. Seconds Erin Poe, spokeswoman for the groupone of the priorities asks Promote the use of Catalan:

“I understand that there are people who feel left out, but I think the way to fix that is not hate. I think there is some ignorance, and I agree that people who only speak English need to learn to speak Catalan or Spanish.”

We are aware of the presence of cyclists along The old neighborhood What time of day it’s annoying, he agrees we need to sit down and talk about it “so that it’s clear to everyone – cyclists and pedestrians – that certain rules must be followed.” To promote the integration of these institutions into the city, it is clearly necessary to start work as quickly as possible.

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Entrepreneurs confirm that the majority of companies are with Catalan capital (Marc Güell/3Cat)

They demand dialogue to break stereotypes

A spokeswoman for the cycling enterprise group suggests, among other things, Preventing the passage of bicycles on some streets And organizing some family activities. He thinks Girona has the idea for this “Bicycle is something for the rich and wealthy”He believes this should change because the bicycle is essentially a means of transportation and “maybe in a couple of years in the old neighborhood only this type of vehicle will be able to move around.”

Behind the group there are about fifty companies:

“Not all establishments are owned by people from abroad, most of us are from here. You have to listen to everyone and try to calm the noise.”

In the coming days, the association will be officially formed to have a unified voice in the negotiation process that has begun with the city council and the tourism retreat platform. The goal is to launch a comprehensive action plan that achieves a balance between its activity and the lives of its neighbors.

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