They create a new key biochemical mechanism in the aging process – la magnana

They create a new key biochemical mechanism in the aging process – la magnana

Aging plays a critical role in the development of many important human diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Understanding the aging process is key to early diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. Research from Lleida has discovered a new biochemical principle that interferes with age-related diseases. A promising discovery for future clinical application.

“Until now we knew that at the molecular level, aging affects the organization of proteins and leads to degenerative modifications to certain proteins, such as aberrant phosphorylation of serine (p-Ser), which is the direct cause of toxic protein accumulation.” In the brain in Alzheimer’s disease. “T-Cysteine ​​is a product of increased oxidative stress, but the underlying molecular mechanism linking these two factors in aging diseases was not known,” explained Xavier Gallart, professor from the University of Lleida and researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research in Lleida (IRBLleida). This study demonstrates, for the first time, a relationship at the molecular level between oxidative stress and aberrant phosphorylation of proteins in the protein, two fundamental mechanisms that interact, and we now know better how, in diseases in which aging is a major factor,” said the professor at the University of Leda and IRBLEIDA researcher, Aida Serra.

The research, led from Lleida by the heads of the Pec+ Proteomics Research Group, Xavier Gallart-Palau and Aida Serra, in collaboration with Professor Newman Sze of Brock University in Canada, has been published in the journal Aging Cell. This research analyzed the senescence protein in mice for two years Through the advanced techniques of proteomics (a branch of systems biology that globally analyzes all proteins of a cell, tissue or organism under a set of defined and defined conditions) and bioinformatics.

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“The research opens new horizons for research on the role of these protein modifications in many chronic human diseases and in aging, as well as providing a new biochemical marker with potential clinical application on the risk of suffering from some diseases associated with ‘aging,’” explained the first author of the article and a researcher in training. Pec+ Proteomics Research Group, José Antonio Sánchez Milan.

The research was funded by the Carlos III National Institute of Health, the Ministry of Science and Innovation-MCIN, the Superior Council for Scientific Research/State Research Agency-AEI, the Plan de Biotechnologia Aplicada a la Salud, and Next Generation. European Commission Fund, AGAUR, Lleida Provincial Government, National Medical Research Council of Singapore, Canadian Institutes of Health, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research of Canada, and Brock University.

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