They are investigating the death of a woman and her two children in Prat de Llobregat

They are investigating the death of a woman and her two children in Prat de Llobregat

(ACN) An unusual house He died Presumably his Barillaa woman from 43 years oldand the Two eight-year-old children Years this Monday in Prat de Llobregat They found her Tuesday night, the Mossos d'Esquadra newspaper reported Wednesday morning The body of the woman and minors is at their residence address. Hours ago, it became known that a 43-year-old man, who turned out to be the children's father, had killed him. suicide At the same city station. Catalan police are investigating the incidents as gender-based violence.

Farewell note

According to ACN, they found some keys on the man and recovered one of them Farewell note In a nearby car he asked Sorry For what he had done There are no court records between the spousesas reported Supreme Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC). According to residents of the area, the couple had bought the house two years ago and had no relationship with the people of the area.

he Educational Court 4 in Pratt, In the service, he was responsible forHe raised the four bodies. The court ruled in favorInstructions 5 From the same area, responsible for the reasons violence against Woman, TSJC reported. lhave A decree of confidentiality of the case summary.

Department ofEquality and feminism he did Follow the event And accompaniment Ajuntament del Prat. The Ministry made its services available to the victim's family and those around him, and requested… We guarantee them maximum privacy.

Five minors died in 2024

Since January, five minors have died in Catalonia as a result of indirect violence. In Barcelona, ​​in January, a father killed his two minor children, ages 7 and 10, in the Horta neighborhood. Then he committed suicide.

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