A partir de 2024 ve una mala notícia: haurem de pagar per usar les autovies. El Govern va anunciar esta mesura fa uns quants mesos i ja no hi ha qui la pare. De fet a poc a poc se’n van confirmant nous detalls sobre com funcionarà.
residence » News » Car Tax Renewal 2023: Deadlines Calendar Car tax is the property tax paid by people who own cars registered in Italy. Let’s see in this article what the legislation says about it, how much you will have to pay in 2023 and what calendar deadline must be observed to renew the […]
Chelsea led by Abramovich won the Club World Cup, but the work did not reward the Russian president, who lost 700 million in one day. the Chelsea He won the Club World Cup against Palmeiras, but his boss is not doing well. AbramovichIn fact, she loses 700 million euros in just one day. Russian mining […]
Piaggio MP3 530 hpe Exclusive: we tried it in preview! The “third generation” of the Piaggio MP3 has arrived, completely renewed in aesthetics as well as in substance. in the saddle He was able to see and test the new three-wheeled scooter on the roads of the Tuscan hills around Pontedera, where Biagio’s “headquarters” and […]