Do some countries have an interest in making the war last for a long time? One of the most important issues in the moment of conflict between Russia and Ukraine is addressed during the April 16 episode of Controcorrente, the Rete4 talk show that sees Veronica Gentile run it. To discuss this issue Cesare Damiano, Director of Inail and President of the Lavoro & Welfare Association: “I think the objectives are objectively different. It is clear that the brutal aggression of Vladimir Putin provoked reactions that transmitted this war to the world. I am not talking about World War III with nuclear weapons, of course, But the dimension is global and global. Because behind this war, apparently regional and for the first time on the borders of Europe, there are great powers, there is a conflict between the United States, which sees an element of retreat in its work to dominate the world, and China. This is the main issue and there is a danger in That the winners of this war are China on the one hand, which has its influence on Russia and the United States on the other, and which will have – as Damiano asserts – an additional element of domination by the United States on their part, and especially over Europe.
Do some countries have an interest in making the war last for a long time?
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– Countercurrent (Controcorrentv) April 16, 2022
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