Concern over increased pneumonia cases as antibiotic resistance levels riseEP A team from the Pneumococcal Reference Laboratory of the National Microbiology Center of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), which is part of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, has published a report research who analyzes the situation Invasive pneumococcal disease a Spain Between […]
Milan, June 13 (Adnkronos/Labitalia) – The awards ceremony for the 20th Italian edition of the L’Oréal – Unesco Prize “For Women and Science” was held at the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, the first award entirely dedicated to women. Working in the Scientific Field (Stem), which awards a €20,000 scholarship to each of […]
The Turin Academy of Medicine is organizing on Friday December 10 at 5 pm a presentation of the new text by Mario Nano, Professor of General Surgery and Member of the Academy, entitled “Surgery in Piedmont. History of Science and the Region” (Editions of Minerva Medica, 2021). The text will be commented on by Bruno […]