The Pope has the right to embrace one hundred thousand children

The Pope has the right to embrace one hundred thousand children

More than 100,000 children from around the world flooded Rome on Saturday, May 25, sparking a wave of enthusiasm to celebrate the first Universal Children’s Day desired by Pope Francis.. Colors, smiles, hope and a lot of joy were the ingredients of an unprecedented event, with the aim of bringing childhood back to the center again to allow humanity to start again from children’s ability to dream, from their simplicity and their desire for the future.

Delegations from 101 countries gathered inside the Olympic Stadium and transformed it for this occasion into a miniature world of brotherhood. “My dear children, here we are! We have gathered here, in the Olympic Stadium, to begin a movement to build a world of peace – said the Holy Father – everything in you speaks of life and the future, and the Church, Mother, accompanies you with tenderness and compassion. Hopes. Last November 7, I had the pleasure of welcoming several thousand children from all over the world to the Vatican. You brought a wave of joy and showed me your questions about the future. This encounter left a mark on my heart and I realized that this conversation with you must continue and extend to many other children and young people. That’s why we’re here today.”

During the event, musical, sporting, playful and contemplative moments alternated, in particular thanks to the Holy Father’s answers to questions asked by the children present.. This event, organized by the Department of Culture and Education and coordinated by Father Enzo Fortunato, witnessed the participation of about a hundred people from Bergamo who arrived in Rome from our province accompanied by Don Giorgio Antonioli, Director of the Diocesan Office for Pastoral Care in the Diocese. The family, who commented: “This afternoon was an explosion of joy, a miracle of hope and peace that comes from children. Even the youngest in the group followed the entire event with interest and enthusiasm, thanks to the organization’s ability to diversify and switch between thinking, playing and praying.” Don Marco Gibellini, parish priest of Berzo San Fermo, Grune and Sant’Antonio, added: “We lived the event live from the roof of the stadium, and the beauty was aware of the emotion in the children’s looks and their fun during the day.” . “It was emotional to enter the playground full of children, and to see Pope Francis up close for the first time was an indescribable feeling,” said Maria Molinaro, president of the Montello church. theOn the other hand, Minicoro Monterosso represented our city among the Antonian choirs by singing the hymn written for this occasion by Monsignor Marco Fresina, “Sono Nui”.. “It was an incredible feeling, the experience of singing in a choir is in itself a small kernel that re-suggests what brotherhood between peoples is: you breathe in the same rhythm with many hearts beating in perfect harmony,” commented director Silvana Conversano. Moreover also “Cross of Joy”, symbol of the event, designed by Mimmo Palladino, “Made in Bergamo”: The metal structure was produced by Cosmet of Clusone, Imberti Sabbiature of Morengo carried out the polishing, galvanizing and painting of the cross and base, and Lino Reduzzi’s studio in Castel Rozzone coordinated the construction phases of the work, collaborating with Mimmo Paladino in creating the painted panels.

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Pope Francis called for prayer and remembrance for all children in situations of war, hoping for a future in which no child’s eyes will never again witness such atrocities, but will instead be filled only with the wonders they naturally hold. A day to remember how important it is to listen to young people to remind us of the basic truths of childhood, including the joy of small things, the ease of forgiveness, embraces, and accepting differences as wealth. Learning these universal values ​​from children revives humanity’s hope for a peaceful future that can make men once again marvel at the beauty of everyday life.

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