The Plataforma per la Llengua office in Palma will be part of the Catalan Digital Monitoring Network

The Plataforma per la Llengua office in Palma will be part of the Catalan Digital Monitoring Network

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office Language platform In the Balearic Islands it became part of Catalan Digital Monitoring NetworkThe campaign he is leading Alliance for the digital presence of Catalan, of which the entity is a part. the Fundacio.catThe coalition coordinator installed a monitoring device in the Palma office that allows for the detection of relevant incidents Clarity of Catalan In Google results.


The installation of this sensor is part of a network project to deploy a series of devices Throughout the territory, low cost and managed remotely Through the .cat Foundation. The devices perform web searches and send the results to an organization's server, where these results are studied to learn how the search was performed Identifying Catalan websites on the Internet and detecting potential incidents.

The first sensor of the Catalan digital surveillance network was installed on October 17 at the headquartersCultural Action of the Country of Valencia After verifying their proper operation, others are being installed throughout the region. There must also be a Andorra oh well Northern Catalonia.


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