The nightmare of Romania, the United States and Italy is worse than France and Sweden

The nightmare of Romania, the United States and Italy is worse than France and Sweden

The pandemic has changed death rates around the world. Among the rich countries United State They are among those who recorded a mortality rate above normal levels. This is what appeared from Data from the World Health Organization This month. Mortality in the United States was 15% above normal, a figure that only four other large countries in the same income group have exceeded: Chile, the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania. Globally, many poor and developing countries fared worse, but deaths in the United States rose more than many states with much fewer resources, including Argentina and the Philippines. Italy has a value of 12%, on par with Spain and Great Britain, and obviously higher than countries such as France and Sweden that do not exceed 6-7%.

Mortality rates in the world: the differences

During the pandemic, the United States and other more developed countries have had access to a lot of life-saving supplies such as vaccines, antiviral treatments, masks and universal testing kits. While most wealthy countries also have a relatively older and more vulnerable population, they have also had access to greater economic and political support.

Some of the countries with the largest increases in death rates during the first two years of the pandemic were those in the upper middle income groups: Ecuador, Mexico and Peru. But many lower income countries, including most of Africa, were not included in the comparison because their data is less reliable. According to data from the World Health Organization, the number of global deaths from Covid is more than twice the number of deaths reported in official accounts by governments around the world.

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The gap between countries

In rich countries, the gap between reported deaths from Covid and total estimated deaths above the normal range has been small, possibly due to the relatively low number of deaths and the current infrastructure for reporting deaths. But among high and low, low or middle income countries, the number of deaths above the normal range estimated by the World Health Organization was often several times higher than the number of reported deaths. Worldwide, about 13 percent — about 15 million people — died earlier than expected in the first two years of the pandemic. These latest WHO estimates are what many scientists believe to be the most reliable indicator of the overall impact of the pandemic in the world. The numbers, often called excess deaths, measure the difference between the number of people who died in 2020 and 2021 and the number of deaths expected during that period if the pandemic had not occurred. These values ​​include those who died from Covid without being tested and from other preventable diseases when hospitals were overwhelmed with virus patients.

exceptional cases

Countries such as Australia, China and Japan recorded fewer deaths than expected in 2020 and 2021. The World Health Organization said that some countries may have seen a decrease in the death rate from other causes as a result of measures to control Covid. Because the organization relied partly on mortality and population statistics reported by government agencies, some numbers may be underestimated in underreported countries.

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