The National Cybersecurity Agency reveals the three most common scams on the web: here’s what they are

The National Cybersecurity Agency reveals the three most common scams on the web: here’s what they are

L’National Cyber ​​Security Agency Identify the three most popular scams on the web. And they all benefit from the goodwill of the people: in fact, many trust the messages sent by them Digital thieves. According to the Cyber ​​Security Agency, fraudulent actions are based onSocial engineeringPsychological manipulation is very common among criminals and is based on many types of online cyberattacks.

The first scam identified seems trivial, but people – tired or distracted – can easily fall into error. It is aboutEmail extortion. The user receives an email that starts like this: “Your site has been hackedThen he gets more. The scammer asks the victim to pay an amount Bitcoins He threatens to publish sensitive company data, which he claims to have, if he does not receive compensation. But the scammer is lying: he doesn’t have any sensitive data and aims to scare the less experienced people, to convince them to pay what is required.

Another scam is the one on “counterfeit parcelsVictims receive emails telling them that a package has not been delivered: “We were unable to deliver your package because there was no one to sign for the delivery receipt. We are here to inform you that we need confirmation: click here to confirm”. In this way, users are prompted to click on the button indicated to them which, after several clicks, takes them to a request page Data summaryincluding references Credit card. Next, you are required to make a payment. At this point, the victim is asked to confirm the purchase, through authentication codes, using bank logos, to make everything more credible.

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Then there is more fraud complicated, which targets job seekers. An advertisement appears on a popular professional social network:We are interested in your professional profile. If you are looking for a job, contact usThe notice looks like one of many, but in fact, behind this advertisement, a scam is hidden. Once the victim responds to the advertisement, he or she is invited to participate in a remote interview. During the meeting, the fake recruiter asks the victim to show a document pdf format for the assessment of working conditions. But this file is a file infected document who pollinates virus on the victim’s computer.

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