The latest trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC arrives

The latest trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC arrives

With a short post on his official profile Pokemon company announced that December 7, 2023 at 3:00 pm Italian time It will be made available on YouTube The latest trailer for The Indigo Disc, the second part of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet expansion, will be released in just over a week (December 14). You can read in the press release that new and final gameplay footage will be shown to us Some new information; It’s time to discover more about the abilities of the legendary Pokemon Terrabagos?

Below you will find the Italian translation of this post:

Tomorrow, December 7 (Thursday) at 3:00 PM (Italian time), the latest information about the paid DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet The Treasure of Area Zero will be released!
We will provide you with the latest footage on our official YouTube channel.
Be sure to check us out!

Thus European fans will be able to listen to 3.00 pm In the Official YouTube channel to Pokemon company Where the last important trailer will be broadcast. Trying to guess the contents of the video, although optimists would love to see the Terapagos in action, we suspect the developers decided to reveal their hidden cards exactly 7 days after the DLC was released. However, one could go further, by predicting the presentation of two contrasting missing Pokemon, namely Ancient form of Entei And The future of Terrakion. The same applies to the alleged person Dublin developmenta Pokémon that is certainly less important for plot purposes than the ones mentioned above which could serve as a good appetizer for fans.

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The latest trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC The Indigo Disc

Instead, the new video could show us something more about… Story and settings SubordinateBlueberry InstituteMaybe we’ll delve deeper into the role Repin (whose story has not yet ended) in the new narrative arc or in another character essential to the plot. In short, there are many possibilities, but it is still very likely that the latest trailer will be just one A great summary of what has been shown so farmade simply to remind us that the wait is almost over!

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