The latest Florida building collapse has been identified, with the final death toll at 98

The latest Florida building collapse has been identified, with the final death toll at 98

Miami | The latest victim in a building collapse in Florida has been identified, local authorities said Monday, following a disaster that killed 98 people.

• read more: One month after the building collapsed in Florida, the search for the remains ceased

• read more: Two Montreals were killed in a Florida crash

• read more: Building collapses on the site: an “earthquake”, a frantic leak and questions

“Thanks to heroic efforts (rescue teams), the last missing person has been found and identified,” Miami-Tate County Mayor Daniel Levine Cava told a news conference.

He said police were constantly searching for evidence and human remains in the tons of rubble dumped into a warehouse.

The last victim was identified by police as Estelle Hedia. According to the latter’s brother, the quote is quoted New York Times, This 54-year-old woman had moved from New York to Florida.

The south building of the Champlain Towers South building, which overlooks the Surface waterfront north of Miami Beach, collapsed at midnight on June 24.

Even a month after the disaster, if its causes are not yet known, the first elements of the investigation, the structure of the building, in places, seem to have deteriorated.

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